A World Enslaved – There are now more slaves on the planet than at any time in human history (Foreign Policy)

By E. Benjamin Skinner

Standing in New York City, you are five hours away from being able to negotiate the sale, in broad daylight, of a healthy boy or girl. He or she can be used for anything, though sex and domestic labor are most common. Before you go, let’s be clear on what you are buying. A slave is a human being forced to work through fraud or threat of violence for no pay beyond subsistence. Agreed? Good.

Most people imagine that slavery died in the 19th century. Since 1817, more than a dozen international conventions have been signed banning the slave trade. Yet, today there are more slaves than at any time in human history.

And if you’re going to buy one in five hours, you’d better get a move on. First, hail a taxi to JFK International Airport, and hop on a direct flight to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The flight takes three hours. After landing at Toussaint L’Ouverture International Airport, you will need 50 cents for the most common form of transport in Port-au-Prince, the tap-tap, a flatbed pickup retrofitted with benches and a canopy. Three quarters of the way up Route de Delmas, the capital’s main street, tap the roof and hop out. There, on a side street, you will find a group of men standing in front of Le Réseau (The Network) barbershop. As you approach, a man steps forward: “Are you looking to get a person?”

(Read the whole article at http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4173 )

16 thoughts on “A World Enslaved – There are now more slaves on the planet than at any time in human history (Foreign Policy)”

  1. This is a horrible reality all over the world. Christians of all people should be up in arms and the people of government should be receiving a flood of mail protesting this terrible thing.

    But what is very scary is the fact that there are Christians that believe in Slavery. They have been working very hard to make their mark and to gain power especially here in the US. They are Dominionists. They believe that Christ will not return until they (the elect) have gained complete control over all the earth. They have been hard at work in government to secure their positions of power.

    Dominionist call for reinstating slavery, which they believe is upheld throughout the Old Testament. Slavery is openly defended by Dominionist writers such as David Chilton: “Heathen slaves … were actually favored by [slavery], since it placed them in contact with believers. They received the relatively lenient treatment of the biblical slavery regulations, and they were also able to hear the liberating message of the gospel.”

    I urge everyone to do some homework and to google “dominist” and see just what these so-called Christians have in mind for those that believe in freedom of conscience and the right to choose.

    Those of us that believe in human rights can not do away with slavery completely. But, we certainly should be able to do away with it here in the US and we should see to it that our lawmakers put this problem high up on their list of things to go after.

    Letter writing and sending info through the internet could make a dent!

  2. This is a horrible reality all over the world. Christians of all people should be up in arms and the people of government should be receiving a flood of mail protesting this terrible thing.

    But what is very scary is the fact that there are Christians that believe in Slavery. They have been working very hard to make their mark and to gain power especially here in the US. They are Dominionists. They believe that Christ will not return until they (the elect) have gained complete control over all the earth. They have been hard at work in government to secure their positions of power.

    Dominionist call for reinstating slavery, which they believe is upheld throughout the Old Testament. Slavery is openly defended by Dominionist writers such as David Chilton: “Heathen slaves … were actually favored by [slavery], since it placed them in contact with believers. They received the relatively lenient treatment of the biblical slavery regulations, and they were also able to hear the liberating message of the gospel.”

    I urge everyone to do some homework and to google “dominist” and see just what these so-called Christians have in mind for those that believe in freedom of conscience and the right to choose.

    Those of us that believe in human rights can not do away with slavery completely. But, we certainly should be able to do away with it here in the US and we should see to it that our lawmakers put this problem high up on their list of things to go after.

    Letter writing and sending info through the internet could make a dent!

  3. This is so horrible! I had no idea that slavery was so widespread. I can’t believe there are so many evil people on the planet who would force entire families to work as slaves.
    I do disagree with what the author said at the end…he couldn’t help individual slaves as he was doing research.I think that’s untrue. He could have spent 50 dollars, bought a slave in Haiti, then set him free! Why not? One person free is better than none! Heck, let’s all go down there and buy one, and free them!

  4. This is so horrible! I had no idea that slavery was so widespread. I can’t believe there are so many evil people on the planet who would force entire families to work as slaves.
    I do disagree with what the author said at the end…he couldn’t help individual slaves as he was doing research.I think that’s untrue. He could have spent 50 dollars, bought a slave in Haiti, then set him free! Why not? One person free is better than none! Heck, let’s all go down there and buy one, and free them!

  5. Buying a human person even if it is to set them free only puts money in the pocket of the one that trades in human life.

    This has to be met with the law having some teeth and a real punishment. But this will not happen because there is actual profit and gain to be made. People have slaves because they want someone else to do the work and they don’t want to pay a fair salary. All over the world there are people that are not held as slaves, but they work for slave wages. Barely enough to feed their families. When parents sell their children and especially girl children for a few meager coins because they can not afford to feed her and the rest of the family there are social ramifications that continue for generations. How can there be such wealth in the world held by a very few and such wide spread poverty involving so many?

  6. Buying a human person even if it is to set them free only puts money in the pocket of the one that trades in human life.

    This has to be met with the law having some teeth and a real punishment. But this will not happen because there is actual profit and gain to be made. People have slaves because they want someone else to do the work and they don’t want to pay a fair salary. All over the world there are people that are not held as slaves, but they work for slave wages. Barely enough to feed their families. When parents sell their children and especially girl children for a few meager coins because they can not afford to feed her and the rest of the family there are social ramifications that continue for generations. How can there be such wealth in the world held by a very few and such wide spread poverty involving so many?

  7. This is truly amazing. I knew there were parts of the world where slavery was still in existence but I didn’t realize to what extent. I just don’t understand the mentality behind some of things that happen on this earth.

    “How can there be such wealth in the world held by a very few and such wide spread poverty involving so many?”

    If only those that are wealthy would actually DO something important with their wealth. Something more than buying ridiculous material things whose novelty only lasts a short time.

    I may not be as articulate as other commenters but I feel something should be done. I’m going to be doing some research myself to find out more on this problem and find SOMETHING that I, as an individual, can do to help.

  8. This is truly amazing. I knew there were parts of the world where slavery was still in existence but I didn’t realize to what extent. I just don’t understand the mentality behind some of things that happen on this earth.

    “How can there be such wealth in the world held by a very few and such wide spread poverty involving so many?”

    If only those that are wealthy would actually DO something important with their wealth. Something more than buying ridiculous material things whose novelty only lasts a short time.

    I may not be as articulate as other commenters but I feel something should be done. I’m going to be doing some research myself to find out more on this problem and find SOMETHING that I, as an individual, can do to help.

  9. Unfortunately, what you say is very true. I think, perhaps, that human slavery has always been this prevalent, but the preponderance of
    instantaneous communications via e-mail, Internet, instant messaging, etc. has brought this issue to the forefront much more easily than previously. I know it has been the subject of several major prime-time crime-dramas (Law and Order, SVU comes to mind) and these story ideas have to originate somewhere. It is a disgrace that we, as Americans, are allowing this type of behavior to continue in our country. I can only hope that President-Elect Obama will take a hard look at this activity and do something to eliminate it completely. And we can help by NOT patronizing or visiting those countries who condone this disgusting activity.

  10. Unfortunately, what you say is very true. I think, perhaps, that human slavery has always been this prevalent, but the preponderance of
    instantaneous communications via e-mail, Internet, instant messaging, etc. has brought this issue to the forefront much more easily than previously. I know it has been the subject of several major prime-time crime-dramas (Law and Order, SVU comes to mind) and these story ideas have to originate somewhere. It is a disgrace that we, as Americans, are allowing this type of behavior to continue in our country. I can only hope that President-Elect Obama will take a hard look at this activity and do something to eliminate it completely. And we can help by NOT patronizing or visiting those countries who condone this disgusting activity.

  11. I’m watching primetime right now, & they’re talking about child slaves in Alberta; I just want to say that this is happening in my home province, it’s sick & disgusting, I hope that when they catch these criminals; they “throw the book” at them.

  12. I’m watching primetime right now, & they’re talking about child slaves in Alberta; I just want to say that this is happening in my home province, it’s sick & disgusting, I hope that when they catch these criminals; they “throw the book” at them.

  13. With a major financial crisis happening worldwide, slavery is rapidly growing too. People tend to accept being a slave of someone in order to earn money. With this situation excessively happening what could happen next? Perhaps it’s time for the government or any authorities to take an action. We are not born to be a slave.

  14. With a major financial crisis happening worldwide, slavery is rapidly growing too. People tend to accept being a slave of someone in order to earn money. With this situation excessively happening what could happen next? Perhaps it’s time for the government or any authorities to take an action. We are not born to be a slave.

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