
Assisted Suicide Legislation Would Leave Elderly, Disabled, and Depressed Vulnerable

California’s proposed assisted-suicide bill does not require psychiatric evaluations which would rule-out depression, fear or anxiety as a primary motive for requesting assisted suicide, and does not provide adequate checks and balances to ensure that the disabled and elderly are protected. It could also lead to an increase in non-therapeutic suicides as it becomes socially acceptable. It costs only $35-50 for life-ending “medication” as opposed to hundreds of thousands of dollars for terminal healthcare, thus the cost-saving incentive is significant.

Assisted Suicide Legislation Would Leave Elderly, Disabled, and Depressed Vulnerable Read More »

VIDEO ROUNDUP – ECONOMIC CRISIS – “The Sky is Falling, $700 Billion Should Fix It”

he economic landscape of the United States is facing a crisis of epic proportions. We are told that we are facing an economic depression if Congress does not sign a contract that will essentially admit liability for this crisis and that will form a new branch of government with no oversight. Video clips from news sources, analysts, citizens, and an old film.

VIDEO ROUNDUP – ECONOMIC CRISIS – “The Sky is Falling, $700 Billion Should Fix It” Read More »

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