
How Would An Attack on Syria Affect the Religious Liberty of the Syrian People?

By Michael Peabody – Despite serious public opposition to involvement in another quagmire in the Middle East, chances are the United States will soon be involved in the two-year-old civil war in Syria. While there are many questions regarding how this will help or hinder national foreign policy aims, few have considered how a shift in power could affect the religious freedom of the people of Syria.

How Would An Attack on Syria Affect the Religious Liberty of the Syrian People? Read More »

God Has Enough Grace for Everybody

By Jason Hines – I wonder sometimes what this world would be like if we responded with the love and grace of God instead of with the seemingly righteous condemnation we hear far too often. I know every Christian doesn’t act that way, but sometimes it seems like we think God’s grace is some finite substance, and that if we extend it to the people most in need of it, we somehow won’t have enough for our own use. I am here to assure us all tonight; God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness, and God’s grace is not only sufficient enough for you, but for every single human being.

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