Wall of Separation

In wake of Supreme Court decision, ‘clear defense needed of church-state wall’ (Des Moines Register)

Considering the U.S. Supreme Court’s contentious struggles over free speech and religion, it was a surprise to say the least to see Wednesday’s ruling unanimously endorsing a government installation of the Ten Commandments in a city park.

While this ruling will likely have limited impact, it raises troubling questions about how dedicated this court – particularly the younger justices, who will be shaping it for decades to come – will be to maintaining the proverbial wall separating church and state.

In wake of Supreme Court decision, ‘clear defense needed of church-state wall’ (Des Moines Register) Read More »

ANALYSIS: The Apocalyptic struggle between Jefferson’s Wall and the Church

By Bill Cork – EXCERPT: “Let’s be careful that we speak not only of religious liberty, but that we uphold the American tradition of separation of church and state as well. It has served us well. It allows individuals to be guided by their own religious teachings and morals, but it does not give a privileged place to any church. It affirms the freedom of individuals to believe, and to act in accordance with those beliefs, without fear. If that freedom is threatened–and I agree with Stafford that it is–then the solution is not to tear down the wall, but to build it even higher.”

ANALYSIS: The Apocalyptic struggle between Jefferson’s Wall and the Church Read More »

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