Adventist Pro-Life Advocates Complete Filming 13-Part Series on Abortion

abortioncontroversypictureUPDATE:  Part I is now available on YouTube at


Steve Wohlberg, director and speaker of White Horse Media, has announced the completion of a 13-part series entitled, The Abortion Controversy, featuring Dianne Wagner and Antoinette Duck of Mafgia ministry.

In the series, hosted by Wohlberg and filmed last week, Wagner tells her story of having two abortions and Duck, now an attorney, discusses how she had been rescued from being aborted.  The program discusses how the Scriptures support a pro-life perspective and discusses the hope that those who have faced these issues have in their Christian faith.

White Horse Media is asking for funds to defray the costs of production and duplication of DVDs of the entire series. According to Wohlberg, once the first programs are edited, they will be posted online.

Diane Wagner and Antoinette Duck
Diane Wagner and Antoinette Duck

Mafgia ministry is “committed to interceding for the sanctity of human life, at every level, from conception to death.” The organization is also “dedicated to interceding for reconciliation, for the total and complete life-giving healing the LORD purposes to write on the heart of every post-abortive woman,and man.  We are committed to the message of redemption and the freedom that redemptive grace brings—total, complete, and possible here and now.”

Dianne Wagner and Antoinette Duck presented a seminar on the subject of abortion at the Adventist Laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI)  meeting in 2014. The video of their 2014 presentation is available online at

For more information about the project including production photos, and how to donate, visit

For more information about abortion, visit


Part I of “The Abortion Controversy” is now available on YouTube at

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