Religious freedom under global threat, Canadian ambassador says (ANN)

“We are deeply concerned about the situation in various parts of the world where individuals, including Ahmadiyya Muslims, Bahá’ís, Chaldean Catholics and Coptic Orthodox, Tibetan Buddhists, Jews and Muslim Rohingyas, among others, experience difficulty in their ability to worship and practice their faith in peace,” Bennett told approximately 150 guests at the annual Liberty Religious Freedom Dinner, co-sponsored by Liberty magazine, the North American Religious Liberty Association and the International Religious Liberty Association.

Religious freedom under global threat, Canadian ambassador says (ANN) Read More »

In Romania, Adventists launch ‘Freedom Caravan’ to defend religious liberty (ANN)

Apr. 23, 2013 Bucharest, Romania RUC staff/Adventist News Network s Romanian legislators consider changes to the national constitution, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is sponsoring a mass promotion of religious liberty with a marathon of town hall meetings, university lectures and

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God’s Love Remains Despite Tragedy Fatigue

These types of incidents used to be few and far between for us in the United States. (I fully realize that these types of events are a way of life for many people around the world.) To feel for the people suffering in Boston and the people suffering in West was just too much for me, as much as I knew and know that deserve all the sympathy, empathy, love and prayers that I can give. As the time has passed this week my hearts have gone out to them and I wish them a peace and a comfort that I believe only God can give.

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Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson asks pro-lifers to speak up and oppose abortion mentality

Carson warned of “forces in America that want to fundamentally change who we are without discussion. Said Carson, “They co-opt the media and get everybody to shut up so we don’t know what is going on [so they can] change the underpinnings of the nation. We must be smart enough not to fall for it or one day we will wake up and find that we have a different nation.”

Dr. Ben Carson asks pro-lifers to speak up and oppose abortion mentality Read More »

Liberty in Milton’s Paradise Lost (Liberty Magazine)

In opposition to many of his Calvinist colleagues who believed in predestination, Milton argued, through the unrhymed lines of poetry in Paradise Lost, that the push for more political freedom on earth is an unstoppable tide of progress. That desire for liberty exists only because of the divinely instilled presence of free will given to humanity by the Creator, who, while He may have foreseen the Fall, allowed it to happen in order to give humanity an opportunity to make the greatest decision the universe could ever present.

Liberty in Milton’s Paradise Lost (Liberty Magazine) Read More »

States Rights and the Religion Clauses: Examining the North Carolina Resolution

This week, two members of the North Carolina House of Representatives submitted a resolution which would declare that “the Constitution of the United States of America does not prohibit states or their subsidiaries from making laws respecting an establishment of religion.” In other words, the legislation declared that that the state could make its own laws about religion and the federal government would not be able to stop them. Although the resolution is not likely to be approved, it does deserve some serious examination as it reflects a common argument arising in the religious right that the Establishment Clause does not apply to the states.

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ROMANIA: Hamilton Promotes Importance of Legislation to Protect Religious Freedom

Gregory Hamilton, president of the Northwest Religious Liberty Association and a member of the ReligiousLiberty.TV advisory panel, spent most of the month of March traveling throughout Romania, a formerly communist country where church members experienced severe religious persecution throughout much of the last century, meeting with religious and government leaders to discuss trends in religious liberty and to urge constitutional reform.

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Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Defense of Marriage Act: Is Federal Government in the Marriage Business?

One of the more interesting aspects of the gay marriage debate that the arguments of the last two days have highlighted is how different the discussion of marriage is from the religious to the legal realm. Religion was not mentioned one time over the course of the two days and neither should it have been. The issues of the extension of civil marriage are not issues of theology or spirituality (and they still won’t be if same-sex marriage became legal nationwide tomorrow).

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Defense of Marriage Act: Is Federal Government in the Marriage Business? Read More »

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