February 2015

Opinion: Playing Political Football with the President’s Faith

By Jason Hines – Attacks on the President’s faith are an attempt to redefine the constitutional role of religion in American life. Both Senator Santorum and Pastor Graham have established a de facto religious test for the office of President. Why does it matter to Pastor Graham whether President Obama is a Christian? Why does it matter to Senator Santorum that Obama has a phony, unchristian theology? These things matter because to them a person should not be president unless they are Christian. And that Christianity cannot just be any Christianity, but a form of Christianity that is aligned with what they think is correct.

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South Dakota to U.S. Supreme Court: Overturn Roe v. Wade

“The right and duty to preserve life cannot co-exist with a right or duty to destroy it. The right and duty to preserve and protect the cherished relationship between mother and child cannot co-exist with a right and duty to destroy it.”
– South Dakota House Concurrent Resolution, HCR 1004, passed 2/5/15

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