April 2019

Vatican calls for religious freedom amidst competing strains of secularism and fundamentalism

The Vatican has released a document, “Religious Liberty for the Good of All,” calling for an expansion of religious liberty in the face of competing strains of religious fundamentalism and secular intolerance. While not addressing each and every conflict, the document is intended to express the relationship between civil law and religious law in the context of theology, anthropology, and political science.

Vatican calls for religious freedom amidst competing strains of secularism and fundamentalism Read More »

Another cake case gives Court opportunity to resolve free exercise confusion

Too broad an exception from neutral, generally applicable law, and protections against discrimination vanish. Too narrow an exception and free exercise of religion protections vanish. What is clear is that these cases will continue to make their way through the lower courts with differing results until the Supreme Court makes a decision.  

Another cake case gives Court opportunity to resolve free exercise confusion Read More »

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New York Court Upholds Emergency Mandatory Vaccination

Taking the significance of the public health emergency and religious beliefs into account when deciding what to do in these circumstances is difficult. It is too easy to dismiss religious claims as unscientific and foolish in the face of a measles outbreak, but in so doing it behooves the parties to seek a compromise

New York Court Upholds Emergency Mandatory Vaccination Read More »

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