
More Americans Believe in the Devil, Hell and Angels than in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (

Some of the interesting findings in this new Harris Poll include:
— 80% of adult Americans believe in God – unchanged since the last time we asked the question in 2005. Large majorities of the public believe in miracles (75%), heaven (73%), angels (71%), that Jesus is God or the Son of God (71%), the resurrection of Jesus (70%), the survival of the soul after death (68%), hell (62%), the Virgin birth (Jesus born of Mary (61%) and the devil (59%).

More Americans Believe in the Devil, Hell and Angels than in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution ( Read More »

VIDEO: War on/for Christmas Begins! Focus on the Family Protests Religiously Neutral Retailers

It is an amusing video, but the message is clear – retailers should be commercializing Christmas, not just the “holidays.” At Christmastime, all retailers should be Christian or at least not offend Christians by recognizing other celebrations of the holiday season. Apparently FOTF believes that the “Christian” (not “Judeo-Christian”) majority should prevail and if you don’t like it, find another country.

VIDEO: War on/for Christmas Begins! Focus on the Family Protests Religiously Neutral Retailers Read More »

Roosevelt’s or Reagan’s America? A Time for Choosing

By John Marini – Imprimis – In light of the differences between the ideas and policies of Roosevelt and Reagan, it is not surprising that political debates today are so bitter. Indeed, they resemble the religious quarrels that once convulsed western society. The progressive defenders of the bureaucratic state see government as the source of benevolence, the moral embodiment of the collective desire to bring about social justice as a practical reality. They believe that only mean-spirited reactionaries can object to a government whose purpose is to bring about this good end. Defenders of the older constitutionalism, meanwhile, see the bureaucratic state as increasingly tyrannical and destructive of inalienable rights.

Roosevelt’s or Reagan’s America? A Time for Choosing Read More »

International court to punish nations failing to prevent global warming (Telegraph)

Stephen Hockman QC is proposing a body similar to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to be the supreme legal authority on issues regarding the environment. The first role of the new body would be to enforce international agreements on cutting greenhouse gas emissions set to be agreed next year.

International court to punish nations failing to prevent global warming (Telegraph) Read More »

Washington Post: 20,000 More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed For “Domestic Security”

There are critics of the change, in the military and among civil liberties groups and libertarians who express concern that the new homeland emphasis threatens to strain the military and possibly undermine the Posse Comitatus Act, a 130-year-old federal law restricting the military’s role in domestic law enforcement.

Washington Post: 20,000 More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed For “Domestic Security” Read More »

Fifteen years later, home-school parents say legal battle was worth it

By Lorie A. Shane – Michigan Education Report – Chris DeJonge was in her second week of homeschooling when the knock on the door came. She opened it to find two employees from the local office of the Michigan Department of Social Services (now the Department of Human Services), who informed her that her children were truants and that she and her husband were breaking the law by teaching them at home.

Fifteen years later, home-school parents say legal battle was worth it Read More »

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