
Supreme Court Unanimous: Government Officials Cannot Leverage their Positions to Suppress Dissent

The implications of this case are profound and far-reaching. It sends a clear message to regulatory bodies nationwide: exercise your power cautiously, for the line between guidance and coercion is perilously thin. Vullo’s actions were perceived as an attack on the NRA’s very right to exist and advocate.

Supreme Court Unanimous: Government Officials Cannot Leverage their Positions to Suppress Dissent Read More »

Indiana Court Upholds Ruling Taking Transgender Child Away from Parents Who Refused on Religious Grounds to Use Preferred Pronouns

An Indiana state appeals court upheld the trial court’s removal of a 16-year-old transgender minor who suffered from an eating disorder and was allegedly abused because their parents did not accept their transgender identity.

Indiana Court Upholds Ruling Taking Transgender Child Away from Parents Who Refused on Religious Grounds to Use Preferred Pronouns Read More »

Statement on the Leak in Dobbs

The leak was intended to disrupt the processing of the decision and we are not going to dignify the leak or the unidentified leaker by analyzing it prematurely. As a constitutional republic we cannot go down that road without doing severe damage to the institution of the Supreme Court where there must be professional courtesy between the justices and their staffs.

Statement on the Leak in Dobbs Read More »

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