VIDEO: Is there room for peace?


With all that is going on in the world today, it is easy to forget that there is a war going on overseas.  I wondered whether to post this video because it has some violent scenes and language in it, but maybe it is time to honestly face what is happening in the name of freedom, and in the name of America. 

Musically, I don’t know if anybody has expressed this more clearly than U2 in “Bullet the Blue Sky.”  When it was written in the 1980s, “Bullet the Blue Sky” was a harsh criticism of the United States’ policy of arming rebels in El Salvador. The song has a martial drum beat, thundering bassline, and wailing guitar reminiscent of falling bombs. Bono reportedly told Edge to “put El Salvador through your amplifier.”  Now Edge could have put Iraq or Afghanistan through the amplifier and turned it up a few notches.

Some people dismiss those who call for peace, but which crowd are you going to add your voice to?

Before you watch the video, please note that viewer discretion is advised. 

U2 – Bullet the Blue Sky Lyrics

In the howlin’ wind
Comes a stingin’ rain
See it drivin’ nails
Into the souls on the tree of pain.

From the firefly
A red orange glow
See the face of fear
Runnin’ scared in the valley below.

Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue.

In the locust wind
Comes a rattle and hum.
Jacob wrestled the angel
And the angel was overcome.

You plant a demon seed
You raise a flower of fire.
We see them burnin’ crosses
See the flames, higher and higher.

Woh, woh, bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue.

Suit and tie comes up to me
His face red like a rose on a thorn bush
Like all the colours of a royal flush
And he’s peelin’ off those dollar bills
(Slappin’ ’em down)
One hundred, two hundred.

And I can see those fighter planes
And I can see those fighter planes
Across the tin huts as children sleep
Through the alleys of a quiet city street.
Up the staircase to the first floor
We turn the key and slowly unlock the door
As a man breathes into his saxophone
And through the walls you hear the city groan.
Outside, is America
Outside, is America

See across the field
See the sky ripped open
See the rain comin’ through the gapin’ wound
Howlin’ the women and children
Who run into the arms
Of America.

4 thoughts on “VIDEO: Is there room for peace?”

  1. We are going to worry about the “sounds” of music? Are we going to be turned off by “bad language”?

    We should be outraged, enraged, forever angry at what is being done in “our” name!

    But this is why we don’t have a draft. If everyone’s sons and daughters could be called up to the military, then we would once again have protests and marching in the streets.

    Anyone you talk to that is for this war will say that those serving knew what they were getting into when they signed up. NO they didn’t! This video was NOT playing down at the local recruitment center.

    Set aside the war for a moment… let’s say that all of the service people are brought home. Does anyone realize the implications that will linger with these people for the rest of their lives? Those PTSD that will be homeless, in prisons, and suffering endlessly. Their pain will not just go away.

    Now, let’s think about the people of Iraq. How can you live with the stress of war every single day. Some of the children have never known a moment of peace.

    It is so ugly and rotten and wrong.

    Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers”… Don’t we want that blessing? He does not say Blessed are the warriors. How have we let ourselves become brain washed into thinking that was is an answer? That somehow removing Saddam was worth all of this anguish that we have bombed at them?

    It is time to speak up and out!

  2. We are going to worry about the “sounds” of music? Are we going to be turned off by “bad language”?

    We should be outraged, enraged, forever angry at what is being done in “our” name!

    But this is why we don’t have a draft. If everyone’s sons and daughters could be called up to the military, then we would once again have protests and marching in the streets.

    Anyone you talk to that is for this war will say that those serving knew what they were getting into when they signed up. NO they didn’t! This video was NOT playing down at the local recruitment center.

    Set aside the war for a moment… let’s say that all of the service people are brought home. Does anyone realize the implications that will linger with these people for the rest of their lives? Those PTSD that will be homeless, in prisons, and suffering endlessly. Their pain will not just go away.

    Now, let’s think about the people of Iraq. How can you live with the stress of war every single day. Some of the children have never known a moment of peace.

    It is so ugly and rotten and wrong.

    Jesus said “Blessed are the peacemakers”… Don’t we want that blessing? He does not say Blessed are the warriors. How have we let ourselves become brain washed into thinking that was is an answer? That somehow removing Saddam was worth all of this anguish that we have bombed at them?

    It is time to speak up and out!

  3. Rachael Antonucci

    Everyday i feel like i want to throw up! I talk to so meny people, that are so ignorant towrds the war and whats really going on with the over in iraq. I dont understand it? I can blame the media all i want…….but its us Americans THAT LET THE MEDIA INFLUENCE US! I WISH I could take over the media for a day. I would run footage OF ALL THE VIDEOS AND DOCRAMENTRYS IVE SEEN (SUCH AS THIS HORIBLE VIDEO( SO ALL OF AMERICA CAN SEE HOW BRAINWASHING THE GOVERNMENT REALLY IS! THIS IS SO POSE TO BE THE LAND OF THE FREE! eVERYONE IS SO SIDETRACKED BY THERE DAILY ROUTINE AND THERE REALITY TV!!!I WANT TO SHOW AMERICAS SOME REAL REALLITY TV!!! WE NEED TO TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT AND ……….NOT WITH WAR…….

    WITH OUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!


  4. Rachael Antonucci

    Everyday i feel like i want to throw up! I talk to so meny people, that are so ignorant towrds the war and whats really going on with the over in iraq. I dont understand it? I can blame the media all i want…….but its us Americans THAT LET THE MEDIA INFLUENCE US! I WISH I could take over the media for a day. I would run footage OF ALL THE VIDEOS AND DOCRAMENTRYS IVE SEEN (SUCH AS THIS HORIBLE VIDEO( SO ALL OF AMERICA CAN SEE HOW BRAINWASHING THE GOVERNMENT REALLY IS! THIS IS SO POSE TO BE THE LAND OF THE FREE! eVERYONE IS SO SIDETRACKED BY THERE DAILY ROUTINE AND THERE REALITY TV!!!I WANT TO SHOW AMERICAS SOME REAL REALLITY TV!!! WE NEED TO TAKE OVER THE GOVERNMENT AND ……….NOT WITH WAR…….

    WITH OUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!


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