CA bill would make it illegal to investigate deaths of newborns

A group of pastors and their congregations will assemble at the California Capitol on April 19, 2022, to ask legislators to vote against a bill that could effectively legalize infanticide in California.

Tomorrow, the Assembly Health Committee will be holding a hearing to consider AB 2223, preventing county coroners from determining the circumstances, manner, and cause of violent, sudden, or unusual deaths after more than 20 weeks of gestation.

If a physician is not present, law enforcement could not use statements by coroners about “unattended” fetal deaths to establish or support a criminal prosecution or civil cause of damages against any person.  In most cases, this effectively means that the murder of newborns will not be prosecuted.

The bill initially said that it would apply to any perinatal death but has been amended to read “perinatal death due to a pregnancy-related cause.”

In the current reading of the bill, a mother would be able to sue any law enforcement agency for investigating or threatening to investigate the death. According to the California Family Council, “if someone finds a dead newborn in a dumpster, law enforcement is expected to ask no questions or look further into the matter if they suspect the child died after a failed abortion or from any ‘pregnancy-related cause.'”

While it is unfortunate but not uncommon for children to die soon after birth for major unavoidable health reasons, a good society should be willing to investigate what caused the death.

The legalization and eventual justification of intentionally causing the deaths of infants should be enough to shock the conscience of those who consider themselves “pro-choice” when it comes to the abortion debate. The lines of the legally unprotected life will move from beyond the womb to the early days of childhood.  This is the time to speak up.




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