California Capitol

Key California Assembly Committee scheduled to hear SB 1146

On August 3, 2016, the California Assembly Appropriations Committee is scheduled to consider SB 1146, a bill that religious groups fear would make it difficult for faith-based colleges and universities to operate in a manner consistent with their beliefs.

An amended version of Senate Bill 1146, which has gathered national attention, would require religious institutions of higher learning to accommodate all students equally regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. The proposed law would give students claiming discrimination the right to sue for an injunction ordering the school to modify its policies.

Language prohibiting discrimination on the basis of religion, including chapel attendance requirements, was eliminated in an earlier draft.

If passed, some religious institutions fear that the bill would give the state unprecedented control over the personnel and internal actions of religious educational institutions.

For further analysis of the June 29, 2016, version of SB 1146, see: “Analysis: Amended version of SB 1146 passes CA Assembly Judiciary”

To track SB 1146, visit:

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