Current Events

Article18: Norway — Personal Reflections on the Origin of a Tragedy

The fact of the matter is that the demon of terrorism is one that will practice whatever religion it must to satisfy its craving for violence. Terrorism knows no religion that it can’t corrupt. Violence can find a home in any religion, any belief system, be it Muslim, Christian, or Sikh and it is not partial to any one in particular, despite the ramblings in the media.

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Buying Power: Human Trafficking and the Local Marketplace

I’m not willing to pick cocoa beans or cotton for a dollar a day, so who is? Trafficked boys on the Ivory Coast and factory children in Asia whose fingers are small enough to work intricate and dangerous machines fill this gap. – One of the biggest reminders and strongest points I repeat daily is that I have done nothing to secure the position I have in life of being in a free country, just like these modern day slaves have done nothing to have their entire lives indebted to us because of the harsh demands we put on them with our high consumerist behavior. These socially conscious products contain more than just a new age aura or a better selling point; they represent a desire for the priority of humanity instead of selfish search for profit.

Buying Power: Human Trafficking and the Local Marketplace Read More »

Article18: Uzbekistan — Recent Incidents of Violence Against Christians Alarm Religious Minorities

By Martin Surridge – The former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan occupies a precarious and oft-forgotten spot in Central Asia. Unlike other egregious religious liberty offenders such as Saudi Arabia, China, and North Korea, Uzbekistan is discussed little in the United

Article18: Uzbekistan — Recent Incidents of Violence Against Christians Alarm Religious Minorities Read More »

State and Federal Legislators Introduce Bill to Outlaw Local Criminalization of Circumcision

California Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Fiona Ma (D-San Francisco) and Assembly member Mike Gatto (D-Los Angeles) have introduced a bill that would directly ban local bans on circumcision. In a press conference held in Los Angeles yesterday, July 21, 2011, Ma and Gatto said that the bill would render the San Francisco ballot measure moot.

State and Federal Legislators Introduce Bill to Outlaw Local Criminalization of Circumcision Read More »

Speak Now – A Response to the European Sunday Alliance

In its Founding Statement, the European Sunday Alliance argues that, in the interest of synchronicity, Sunday is the appropriate day of rest for all of Europe, and makes no allowance or acknowledgment of what should be done for those whose faith requires them to rest on a day outside of Sunday. In fact, it is not hard to see how those who rest on a different day might be an annoyance or hindrance to Sunday rest, and even in the debate may be portrayed as roadblocks, troublemakers, or even anti-religious. Businesses who open on Sunday could be fined, and those who conduct their own entrepreneurial endeavors on Sunday could also find themselves operating against the law.

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Liberty Magazine: Would An Official Sunday “Day Of Rest” Alienate Believers Who Observe A Different Day Of Worship?

The European Sunday Alliance, a network of 65 civil society organizations, trade unions and Churches, recently made a pitch for work free Sundays to the European Union’s Economic and Social Committee in Brussels. The newly formed Alliance argued that a

Liberty Magazine: Would An Official Sunday “Day Of Rest” Alienate Believers Who Observe A Different Day Of Worship? Read More »

Article18: Cuba — Three Protestant Pastors Interrogated; Roman Catholic Church in Havana Helps Free 126 Prisoners of Conscience

Like the classic American cars that drive up and down Havana’s hot streets, communist Cuba is a country from another era–Cold War isolationism, a American trade embargo that began fifty years ago, and a pair of aging dictator-brothers who have ruled the nation and restricted its freedom for decades. But while Cuba may be living in the past in many respects, its religious freedoms are a curious blend of old-fashioned totalitarian crackdown and modern globalist acquiescence.

Article18: Cuba — Three Protestant Pastors Interrogated; Roman Catholic Church in Havana Helps Free 126 Prisoners of Conscience Read More »