Current Events

Human Rights Nightmare: Indian mafia gangs are deliberately crippling children for profit (

EXCERPT: Now in hiding after being rescued from the hospital by a charity, Aamir is one of hundreds of Indian children deliberately crippled by gangs so they can earn extra money begging. He still struggles to talk about his experience.

Human Rights Nightmare: Indian mafia gangs are deliberately crippling children for profit ( Read More »

Judge Bork predicts ‘terrible conflict’ will endanger U.S. Catholics’ religious freedom (CNA)

Former Supreme Court nominee Judge Robert Bork has predicted that upcoming legal battles will have significant ramifications for religious freedom. He names as issues of major concern the continued freedom of Catholic hospitals to refuse to perform abortions and the likely “terrible conflict” resulting from the advancement of homosexual rights.

Judge Bork predicts ‘terrible conflict’ will endanger U.S. Catholics’ religious freedom (CNA) Read More »

New law in Russia ends jury trials for ‘crimes against state’ (LA Times)

Reporting from Moscow — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev paused in the last, quiet hours of a dying year to sign into law a controversial bill that eliminates jury trials for “crimes against the state,” a move that lawyers and human rights groups fear will be the start of a dangerous exertion of Kremlin control over government critics.

New law in Russia ends jury trials for ‘crimes against state’ (LA Times) Read More »

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