Current Events


GOP to Consider Accommodating Saturday Sabbath Observers in Nevada Primaries

Michael PeabodyJan 20, 2012

In the Republican primaries this year, there is a bright spot for religious freedom and…


Update: Iranian Pastor Nadarkhani Continues to Refuse to Renounce Christian Beliefs

Despite promises of release in return for compromise, imprisoned Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani continues to…


Modern Torture Techniques Emerged from Inquisition reports “The Atlantic”

In the January/February 2012 issue of The Atlantic, Cullen Murphy writes about the history of…


Has Obama Waged a War on Religion? (NPR)

NPR’s Barbara Bradley Hagerty addresses this question.  Here is an excerpt followed by a link…


Conversation with Justice Ginsburg – C-SPAN

Professor Joan Williams spoke with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg about legal issues and the courts.…


Cumberland Times News : Start telling the truth about ‘school prayer’

EXCERPT: Visit public schools anywhere in America today and you’re likely to see kids praying…


BILL TRACKER: Congress Votes to Reauthorize US Commission on International Religious Freedom

H.R. 2867: United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2011…


Adventist church leaders meet with Hungarian ambassador on looming deregistration of churches

Dec. 14, 2011 Silver Spring, Maryland, United StatesBettina Krause/PARL/ANNReligious liberty leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist…