Current Events


Trial Court Upholds Most of Canada’s Anti-Polygamy Law (Religion Clause blog)

Law Professor Howard Friedman reports on his Religion Clause blog: Excerpt: In Canada, the Supreme…


John F. Kennedy’s Speech Affirming Separation of Church and State

In the months leading up to the election, on September 12, 1960, presidential candidate John…


ANALYSIS: Bishops Claim Religious Liberty Under Assault

Michael PeabodyNov 18, 2011

This week, at its annual conference in Baltimore, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops asserted…


U.S. Senator Lieberman Describes Sabbath Observance in New Book

Senator Joseph Lieberman, Independent-Democrat of Connecticut and former vice presidential candidate describes his observance of…


The Story of a Life by Lincoln Steed (Liberty Magazine)

Martin SurridgeNov 12, 2011

EXCERPT: Charles Dickens began one of his essentially autobiographical tales by wondering aloud if he…