Moot: Federal judge dismisses ACLU suit to force Catholic hospitals to provide abortion services
Federal court rules ACLU lacks standing to sue Catholic hospitals that refuse to provide abortion and contraceptive services
Federal court rules ACLU lacks standing to sue Catholic hospitals that refuse to provide abortion and contraceptive services
Doctor to U.S. Senate – “The only time I experienced any qualms about what I was doing was when I had my neonatal care rotation and I realized that I was trying to save babies in the NICU that were the same age as babies I was aborting, but I rationalized it, and was able to push the feelings to the back of my mind.”
By recognizing the sincerity of opposing positions on the issues and deriving specific areas of accommodation, the conversation moves from ideology and conflict to one of mutual and practical problem-solving.
Seeking Peaceful Solutions When Accommodating You Doesn’t Accommodate Me Read More »
On June 9, 2016, California’s “End of Life Option Act,” signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown last October, will go into effect. Under the law, patients who are at least 18 years old who have been diagnosed by a treating and a consulting physician with a terminal disease expected to result in death within 6 months may request aid-in-dying drugs. Verbal requests must be made 15 days apart and one must be signed, dated, and witnessed by two adults. A mental health assessment is not required unless the physician feels that there may be a mental disorder.
California to Implement Assisted Suicide on June 9 Read More »
Since the pro-life movement is usually the one accused of always using religious arguments, it seems surprising that some abortionists use such a religious, even metaphysical argument when faced with a pro-lifer’s questions.
Abortionists deny the humanity of the preborn Read More »
If Congress, which passed both RFRA and Obamacare, believes RFRA’s application goes too far, Congress could decide to repeal all or part of RFRA.
New Supreme Court Case Could Stretch RFRA to Breaking Point Read More »
Planned Parenthood | VOP Blog Excerpt: The abortion debate really boils down to one question: does a fetus possess personhood? We know the fetus is alive, but is it truly human? If the fetus is merely tissue, then the termination of
Shawn Boonstra on Elective Abortions Read More »
In passing SB 277, the legislature appears to presume either that the religious exemption requests were pretextual and therefore should not be taken seriously, or that religious beliefs are subordinate to uniformity of adherence to health and safety codes.
California Eliminates Religious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccination Read More »
California’s proposed assisted-suicide bill does not require psychiatric evaluations which would rule-out depression, fear or anxiety as a primary motive for requesting assisted suicide, and does not provide adequate checks and balances to ensure that the disabled and elderly are protected. It could also lead to an increase in non-therapeutic suicides as it becomes socially acceptable. It costs only $35-50 for life-ending “medication” as opposed to hundreds of thousands of dollars for terminal healthcare, thus the cost-saving incentive is significant.
Assisted Suicide Legislation Would Leave Elderly, Disabled, and Depressed Vulnerable Read More »
Steve Wohlberg, director and speaker of White Horse Media, has announced the completion of a 13-part series entitled, The Abortion Controversy, featuring Dianne Wagner and Antoinette Duck of Mafgia ministry.
Adventist Pro-Life Advocates Complete Filming 13-Part Series on Abortion Read More »