
The Wisdom of Solomon? The Seventh-day Adventist General Conference Abortion Decision 1970-1971

By George B. Gainer – This coming November 15, will make 25 years since I was asked to present “The Wisdom of Solomon? or The Politics of Pragmatism? The General Conference Abortion Decision 1970-71” to the gathered attendees at the Loma Linda University Conference on Abortion. The great majority of those present were shocked to learn that the General Conference of SDA’s was operating with 2 different sets of guidelines on abortion. The 1970 Abortion Guidelines, which were more restrictive, were the set made available to our own Adventist clergy and laity, as well as the general public. The 1971 Interruption of Pregnancy Guidelines superceded the 1970 Guidelines and opened the door to abortion on demand for any reason in our hospitals (16 months before Roe v. Wade). The liberalized 1971 Guidelines were sent exclusively to our SDA Medical Institutions and never made known to our clergy and laity or the public.

The Wisdom of Solomon? The Seventh-day Adventist General Conference Abortion Decision 1970-1971 Read More »

No upside for babies – NIH should withdraw funding for research on cannabis use during pregnancy

An NIH-funded study at the University of Washington is intended to determine whether there are adverse effects of cannabis use by pregnant women on infants. The best case scenario is if the baby develops normally to the point of matching the “control group” that was not exposed to marijuana. At worst, they might be born underweight, have cognitive and behavioral disorders, or develop physical brain abnormalities identified in imaging studies, or fail to survive.

No upside for babies – NIH should withdraw funding for research on cannabis use during pregnancy Read More »

UPDATED: Drawing a Line Against Infanticide: Why the Trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell Matters

Since abortion is so politically charged, professed people of faith sometimes think the “safest” course is to ignore the issue altogether. But the reality is, regardless of whether you believe the life of an unborn child should be protected, the Gosnell trial still matters because it involves children who were killed after they were born.

UPDATED: Drawing a Line Against Infanticide: Why the Trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell Matters Read More »

Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Ben Carson asks pro-lifers to speak up and oppose abortion mentality

Carson warned of “forces in America that want to fundamentally change who we are without discussion. Said Carson, “They co-opt the media and get everybody to shut up so we don’t know what is going on [so they can] change the underpinnings of the nation. We must be smart enough not to fall for it or one day we will wake up and find that we have a different nation.”

Dr. Ben Carson asks pro-lifers to speak up and oppose abortion mentality Read More »

A Matter of Honor – Christian University Honors MD Who Invented Assembly Line Abortion

In 2010, La Sierra University, a Seventh-day Adventist liberal arts institution in Southern California, named its “Financial Literacy and Entrepreneurship Center” after notorious abortion provider Edward C. Allred. Allred, a 1964 graduate of Loma Linda University Medical School, has achieved legendary status in the pro-life community for his frank comments in a 1980 interview with the San Diego Union.

A Matter of Honor – Christian University Honors MD Who Invented Assembly Line Abortion Read More »

The Results: Voters Decide on Same-Sex Marriage, Marijuana, gambling and religious freedom

On November 6, 2012 voters in many states had the opportunity to make decisions on a number of state laws through ballot measures. Voters in Maine, Maryland, and Washington voted in favor of measures that would legalize same-sex marriage. Voters in Minnesota rejected a proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, and voters in North Carolina voted to define marriage as solely existing between one man and one woman.

The Results: Voters Decide on Same-Sex Marriage, Marijuana, gambling and religious freedom Read More »

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