
Germany: Rigid Sunday law used against Scientology which is considered “business” by gov’t. (Der Spiegel)

GERMANY – Scientologists have had a particularly difficult time in Europe where many view them as a nuisance for their recruiting activities.  When they opened a new 43,000 square foot facility near Berlin, the locals complained. However, the city found a loophole based […]

Germany: Rigid Sunday law used against Scientology which is considered “business” by gov’t. (Der Spiegel) Read More »

Sec. Clinton condemns “Religious Defamation” laws and addresses international issues in annual Religious Freedom Report

On October 25, 2009, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented the annual International Religious Freedom Report, on behalf of the U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. In the first IRFR from the Obama administration, Clinton

Sec. Clinton condemns “Religious Defamation” laws and addresses international issues in annual Religious Freedom Report Read More »

Jehovah’s Witnesses Undergo Persecution in the former Soviet Union

Since their formation in the late 19th century, Jehovah’s Witnesses have suffered relentless persecution worldwide for their controversial religious beliefs. Archibald Cox, Jr., famous for his role as the Watergate prosecutor that helped force the resignation of former U.S. President Richard Nixon, once noted that Jehovah’s Witnesses were “the principal victims of religious persecution … in the twentieth century.” Persecution against Witnesses was especially strong during WWII when their political neutrality, conscientious objection to war, and refusal to salute any nation’s flag made them the target of governments and citizen mob groups alike. Except for the Jews, they were proportionally the most persecuted group in Nazi Germany; they were banned during the war in countries like Russia and Spain, and sometimes beaten and jailed in places like Britain, Canada, Cuba, and the United States. The ACLU reported that by 1940 in the United States alone, “more than 1,500 Witnesses . . . had been victimized in 335 separate attacks.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses Undergo Persecution in the former Soviet Union Read More »

‘We have so many uncanonised martyrs’ – Christians in Pakistan are living in daily fear of violence from extremists (Catholic Herald)

Sister Janet Fearns, communications coordinator of Missio writes about the extent of religious persecution in Pakistan.  A link to the full article follows this excerpt: ‘I am sorry I could not speak to you then because we were just about to

‘We have so many uncanonised martyrs’ – Christians in Pakistan are living in daily fear of violence from extremists (Catholic Herald) Read More »

ANALYSIS: European Sunday Weekly Rest Day Legislation Remains Unlawful

The main purpose for writing this article is to respond to the relentless attempts in recent times to legislate in the European Union, Sunday as an official weekly rest day. The lobbyists championing this cause have been among other associations, the Roman Catholic Bishops (COMECE), some Protestants church representatives and certain Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).[1] I will now provide a synopsis of the background on this issue and show how it has developed to the present day.

ANALYSIS: European Sunday Weekly Rest Day Legislation Remains Unlawful Read More »

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