
RITSEMA: Supreme Court deals death blow to the 4th Amendment (Civics News)

Now, any the time that law enforcement makes a “mistake” that prevents them from doing a proper search, they will get away with it, and the evidence can be admitted into the court proceedings. The incentive to do the search in a legal fashion has now been removed; instead, and an incentive to do illegal searches and then say “oops” has now been introduced.

RITSEMA: Supreme Court deals death blow to the 4th Amendment (Civics News) Read More »

Roosevelt’s or Reagan’s America? A Time for Choosing

By John Marini – Imprimis – In light of the differences between the ideas and policies of Roosevelt and Reagan, it is not surprising that political debates today are so bitter. Indeed, they resemble the religious quarrels that once convulsed western society. The progressive defenders of the bureaucratic state see government as the source of benevolence, the moral embodiment of the collective desire to bring about social justice as a practical reality. They believe that only mean-spirited reactionaries can object to a government whose purpose is to bring about this good end. Defenders of the older constitutionalism, meanwhile, see the bureaucratic state as increasingly tyrannical and destructive of inalienable rights.

Roosevelt’s or Reagan’s America? A Time for Choosing Read More »

International court to punish nations failing to prevent global warming (Telegraph)

Stephen Hockman QC is proposing a body similar to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to be the supreme legal authority on issues regarding the environment. The first role of the new body would be to enforce international agreements on cutting greenhouse gas emissions set to be agreed next year.

International court to punish nations failing to prevent global warming (Telegraph) Read More »

Washington Post: 20,000 More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed For “Domestic Security”

There are critics of the change, in the military and among civil liberties groups and libertarians who express concern that the new homeland emphasis threatens to strain the military and possibly undermine the Posse Comitatus Act, a 130-year-old federal law restricting the military’s role in domestic law enforcement.

Washington Post: 20,000 More U.S. Troops To Be Deployed For “Domestic Security” Read More »

The Coming “War” Between the Obama Administration and the Catholic Church (

he possible signing of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) by President-Elect Barack Obama would be “the equivalent of a war” an unnamed senior Vatican official recently told TIME magazine.

The startling comments make the second time this week that a Vatican official has forthrightly and in the strongest language condemned Obama’s extreme policies on abortion. Speaking at the Catholic University of America a few days ago, Vatican Cardinal James Stafford labeled Obama’s anti-life policies as “aggressive, disruptive, and apocalyptic,” also noting that, “On November 4, 2008, America suffered a cultural earthquake” (see coverage: ).

The Coming “War” Between the Obama Administration and the Catholic Church ( Read More »

VIDEO – BREAKING NEWS: Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, on the Rule of Law

Earlier this year, he gave a lecture for the ACS convention regarding the importance of restoring the rule of law. He called upon the United States to reverse “the disastrous course” set by the Bush administration in the struggle against terrorism, arguing “the next president must move immediately to reclaim America’s standing in the world as a nation that cherishes and protects individual freedom and basic human rights.”

VIDEO – BREAKING NEWS: Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, on the Rule of Law Read More »

Interview with Attorney and Pastor Mitch Tyner

“In my view, if we are not prepared to protect the rights of those with whom we disagree, we are not serious about religious freedom.”

Former associate general counsel of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Mitch Tyner, asks questions about the legal process, lawsuits between believers, separation of church and state, and addresses the controversy about gay marriage.

Interview with Attorney and Pastor Mitch Tyner Read More »

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