Black Friday and Blue Laws: Renewed Calls for Uniform Rest Days

In a world of religious diversity coupled with a common system of of commerce, the institution of a common day of rest and its enforcement would necessarily require coercive methods to prevent individuals from carrying out interpersonal business activities, and place greater pressure on observers of other days of rest to violate their conscience by working on their rest days.

Black Friday and Blue Laws: Renewed Calls for Uniform Rest Days Read More »

The Results: Voters Decide on Same-Sex Marriage, Marijuana, gambling and religious freedom

On November 6, 2012 voters in many states had the opportunity to make decisions on a number of state laws through ballot measures. Voters in Maine, Maryland, and Washington voted in favor of measures that would legalize same-sex marriage. Voters in Minnesota rejected a proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, and voters in North Carolina voted to define marriage as solely existing between one man and one woman.

The Results: Voters Decide on Same-Sex Marriage, Marijuana, gambling and religious freedom Read More »

Jackson Sun Interviews Two Religious Leaders Engaged in Trademark Dispute

The Jackson Sun has interviewed Walter “Chick” McGill and Lucan Chartier about their trademark dispute with the Seventh-day Adventist Church (their church is named “Creation 7th Day Adventist”) that has landed both of them in jail for contempt of court. Although later released, McGill and Chartier maintain that they could be incarcerated again if they refuse to change the name of their church, which they believe was given to them by God.

Jackson Sun Interviews Two Religious Leaders Engaged in Trademark Dispute Read More »

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