The Church as a Bride of Caesar (National Review)

While we have tracked the emergence of the religious right in America, Fr. Robert Sirico writes in the National Review about the political power of part of the religious left which he describes as “a hyper-political movement that offers up the moral authority of churches and aid organizations to advance the ends of the Obama administration and its allies in Congress.”

The Church as a Bride of Caesar (National Review) Read More »

Article18: Norway — Personal Reflections on the Origin of a Tragedy

The fact of the matter is that the demon of terrorism is one that will practice whatever religion it must to satisfy its craving for violence. Terrorism knows no religion that it can’t corrupt. Violence can find a home in any religion, any belief system, be it Muslim, Christian, or Sikh and it is not partial to any one in particular, despite the ramblings in the media.

Article18: Norway — Personal Reflections on the Origin of a Tragedy Read More »

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