Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear the merits of California’s state constitutional amendment that barred same-sex marriage in Hollingsworth v. Perry because a private party could not step into the shoes of the state government of California which had refused to appeal the lower court’s decision. While this allowed lower court opinions overturning Prop 8 to stand, opening the door for same-sex marriage in California, it set no national precedent.
In order to obtain a ruling on the merits from the nation’s high court, same-sex marriage advocates have now filed a lawsuit against Utah, which is expected to defend its voter-passed constitutional prohibition on same-sex marriage (Amendment 3) at every court.
In response to the federal suit, the state of Utah is arguing that “same-sex couples, who cannot procreate, do not promote the state’s interests in responsible procreation (regardless of whether they harm it).” Additionally, Utah argues that the law is not discriminatory because “neither a man nor a woman may marry a person of the same sex.”
Same-sex marriage advocates are arguing in opposition that the choice of a marriage partner is a “fundamental right and liberty interest.”
The courts will likely require the state to meet the standard of showing that Amendment 3 meets a compelling governmental interest. In order to do so, the state will have to identify the harm caused by allowing same-sex couples to marry.
A similar lawsuit is being brought in Michigan by a lesbian couple. Michigan is using a different tactic in defending its law, arguing that the Supreme Court’s decision on DOMA (United States v. Windsor) gives states the authority to regulate marriage.
I just want to say thanks for keeping us informed on the happenings of religious freedom in the US and around the world. I know this to be a labour of love for you and want you to know that your efforts are greatly appreciated.
The marriage issue in the US appears to be gaining its stride. Fundamentally, I hope we are able to maintain our rights as religious communities to continue with our traditional way of life without coercive state power being used to destroy our communal understanding of how we ought to live. We are entering unchartered waters for sure!