Ordained pastor and attorney Stephen Allred has tackled the issue of Christian Nationalism in a recent article in the Adventist Review. He addresses the concerns people of faith have about current events and the trajectory of society, but points to the power of the Gospel rather than grasping political power as what the church will need to truly change the world.
Our message is not an American gospel, but the everlasting gospel for all nations and peoples. We’re not here to establish an earthly government, but to welcome God’s heavenly kingdom at the second coming of Jesus. Our success won’t be in using the power of the state to convince others that we have the truth; our success will be in living out God’s other-centered love to all within our sphere of influence. What will be the result? “When those who profess the name of Christ shall practice the principles of the golden rule, the same power will attend the gospel as in apostolic times.” And that power can change not only America but the entire world.
Read more at: https://adventistreview.org/feature/a-christian-power-grab/