Free Speech

WA Court finds fired firefighter’s religious free speech rights were violated

The Washington Supreme Court ruled last week that a Spokane fire captain met his burden of proving that his free speech rights were restricted in violation of the First Amendment. The court ruled that the burden now shifts to the employer to show that it would have taken the same action even if he had not engaged in the protected religious conduct.

WA Court finds fired firefighter’s religious free speech rights were violated Read More »

Ideological Diversity Endangered on Modern College Campuses

Guest Opinion: College students are, for lack of a better word, being brainwashed. They are being fed the left-wing ideology, without the necessary diversity of opinion. These students then graduate, having internalized what they’ve been taught, as the absolute truth. You cannot debate them because they won’t debate. They will express anger at opposing views and refuse to listen.

Ideological Diversity Endangered on Modern College Campuses Read More »

U.S. Supreme Court Affirms Right to Pro-Life Political Speech

On June 16, 2014 the United States Supreme Court issued its opinion in the much-anticipated case, Susan B. Anthony List v. Driehaus. Justice Thomas delivered the opinion for a unanimous Court finding in favor of the Pro-Life group, Susan B. Anthony List (SBA). The court ruled that SBA and co-petitioner COAST (Coalition Opposed to Additional Spending and Taxes) have standing to challenge an Ohio election statute under which they had been threatened with prosecution for holding members of Congress responsible for their voting record.

U.S. Supreme Court Affirms Right to Pro-Life Political Speech Read More »

Proposed Missouri gun law expanding concealed carry to churches violates religious liberty, say clergy

Clergy in Missouri are objecting to legislationthat would remove the requirement that individual Concealed Carry Weapon permits first obtain the permission from their pastor before carrying concealed weapons in church and require signage if churches do not permit concealed carry.

Proposed Missouri gun law expanding concealed carry to churches violates religious liberty, say clergy Read More »

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