religious liberty

Pope Francis Calls for Common Good in Speech to Congress – Full Text

“In this land, the various religious denominations have greatly contributed to building and strengthening society. It is important that today, as in the past, the voice of faith continue to be heard, for it is a voice of fraternity and love, which tries to bring out the best in each person and in each society. Such cooperation is a powerful resource in the battle to eliminate new global forms of slavery, born of grave injustices which can be overcome only through new policies and new forms of social consensus.”

Pope Francis Calls for Common Good in Speech to Congress – Full Text Read More »

Why the 14th Amendment and Federal Courts are Essential to Protecting Religious Liberty

Have you ever wondered what legal mechanism existed that permitted the legalization of slavery in the United States after the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791? How it was that men, women, and children were held in bondage after Francis Scott Key wrote the famous words, “land of the free, and the home of the brave” in 1812? How segregation persisted in law until the late 1960s?

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Opinion: The Spiritual Dimension to the County Clerk’s Refusal to License Same-Sex Marriages

Davis has made a decision according to her conscience, has had the willingness to not only follow it through, but also to go to jail for it. I am surprisingly both outraged by and sympathetic to her plight. I would love to talk about the legal ramifications of what she is doing (and I still might do that briefly), but tonight my mind turns primarily to the spiritual consequences of Davis’s actions.

Opinion: The Spiritual Dimension to the County Clerk’s Refusal to License Same-Sex Marriages Read More »

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