Supreme Court

Hobby Lobby Case: How Will the Court Decide?

By Michael Peabody – On March 25, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores (transcript and audio). According to a number of court pundits, the court is expected to split with four justices on each side and the deciding vote is predicted to fall to Anthony Kennedy. Perfectly projecting the Court’s decision is not much easier than predicting a perfect NCAA March Madness bracket, but here are some potential outcomes for the case.

Hobby Lobby Case: How Will the Court Decide? Read More »

Into the Minefield: US Supreme Court to Consider Legislative Prayer in October

This October the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in Town of Greece v. Galloway, a case that could change the way that prayers are conducted in legislative proceedings. The Court will determine whether city council rules, which do not openly discriminate against non-Christians or permit prayer to be used to promote a particular religion, are unconstitutional when most of the people offering the prayers are Christians.

Into the Minefield: US Supreme Court to Consider Legislative Prayer in October Read More »

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Defense of Marriage Act: Is Federal Government in the Marriage Business?

One of the more interesting aspects of the gay marriage debate that the arguments of the last two days have highlighted is how different the discussion of marriage is from the religious to the legal realm. Religion was not mentioned one time over the course of the two days and neither should it have been. The issues of the extension of civil marriage are not issues of theology or spirituality (and they still won’t be if same-sex marriage became legal nationwide tomorrow).

Supreme Court Hears Arguments on Defense of Marriage Act: Is Federal Government in the Marriage Business? Read More »

US Supreme Court to hear Arguments on DOMA and Prop 8 on March 26

The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled two days of oral arguments on two separate but related cases beginning on March 26, 2013. The Court will be hearing arguments on California’s Proposition 8 which amended the state constitution to disallow same-sex marriage is constitutional and the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

US Supreme Court to hear Arguments on DOMA and Prop 8 on March 26 Read More »

The U.S. Supreme Court made the Right Decision When It Upheld the Ministerial Exception

In ruling the way it did, the Supreme Court protected the right of a religious organization to select its clergy without government interference and avoided placing church doctrine under government interpretation. Civil magistrates will not be in a position to where they are forced to determine which religious view, that of the clergy member or the church, is correct.

The U.S. Supreme Court made the Right Decision When It Upheld the Ministerial Exception Read More »

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