Nicholas Miller - The Pandemic, Vaccination, and the Crisis of Adventist Identity

The Pandemic, Vaccination, and the Crisis of Adventist Identity

A version of this article was originally delivered as the 9th Annual Harold Baptiste Lectureship to the University of the Southern Caribbean on February 3, 2022.

By Professor Nicholas Miller, JD, PhD

Andrews University

Certain elements of right-wing Adventism and the larger evangelical, Christian world, have reacted urgently and even defiantly to a relatively benign federal government Covid rule that encouraged vaccination, but allowed for masking and testing for those that object.  But this same group has had very little to say about the deaths of about 850,000 of our fellow citizens in the United States, and many more millions around the world.  Why the disparity of concern?   Why has the loss of probably a few hundred jobs of vaccine-resistant Adventists (mostly in the health care field, where keeping vulnerable patients safe is an ethical priority), been viewed as such a greater tragedy than the loss of so much life?

Adventists have always valued freedom of conscience.  But we have also valued promoting and protecting life and health.  In the great pandemic of 1918, we did not view these values as in conflict.  What has brought us to the point that a moral monomania for what amounts to economic freedom or job security appears to overshadow, even eclipse, concerns for the basic health and safety of so many of our friends and neighbors?  What has happened to Adventist identity in the last hundred years to allow this change to take place?

And what has happened to our epistemological framework that has caused different parts of the church to believe such radically different descriptions of reality?  I think these questions of Adventist prophetic views and identity, and Adventist epistemology, are very related, and understanding one will help us understand the other.  As a place of scholarship and learning within the church, we need to understand the epistemological crisis we face as a church, and how we can help the church move forward to a place of greater understanding and unity.

Opposition to General Vaccine Mandates

At the outset, I want to be clear that I do not support general vaccine mandates.  This is not because I do not believe the vaccines are safe and useful.  I do believe, based on studies I have reviewed, as well as the opinions of health experts in positions of trust in the church and in the government, that Covid vaccines are both safe and effective.  But I also believe that mandating them upon all workers is counterproductive because of the resistance it provokes, which is harmful to both individuals and society.  For this and other reasons, I think such general mandates are unwise and unconstitutional (though I agree with the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that vaccine requirements in the health care industry are a justified protection of vulnerable and at-risk patients.)

Because of my opposition to general forced vaccinations, I was the main author of a model letter that many of the religious liberty departments of the Adventist Church in North America provided for use by members who are conscientiously opposed to the vaccine.  Where an employee can be kept safe in the workplace, they should be accommodated in their health convictions.  Most employees, at least outside the healthcare context, can be safely accommodated.

In most jobs, some sort of testing and masking program should be adequate, as found in the recent OSHA Covid regulation program.  (Which has, of course, been declared unconstitutional, as exceeding the powers of a mere executive department. The irony is that many of those that cheer its demise may find it replaced in many states with more severe measures that do not provide any accommodation for those opposed.)

But I and my religious liberty colleagues in the church are resistant to having the church use religious liberty arguments to oppose state or employer programs encouraging or even requiring vaccination.  The church has no teaching against vaccines.  On the contrary, it has released statements encouraging responsible vaccination among its members.  Indeed, it has held neighborhood vaccine clinics at its North American Division headquarters.

Whatever you think of their wisdom, vaccine programs are motivated by health and safety reasons and are not designed to promote a religious view or ideology.  While opposition to them is at times couched in rights of conscience or religious freedom, the underlying objection almost always has to do with a mistrust of their safety or efficacy.  This is not at its core a religious disagreement, rather, it is a scientific one over the impact of vaccines.

The vast majority of health experts in the state and the church agree that opposition to covid vaccines is not based on good scientific evidence, but on misinformation mixed in with various unreliable conspiracy theories,  at times framed in an Adventist prophetic outlook.  These often involve suspicion of government and health leaders, and the belief that they are actively ignoring the deaths of citizens, and perhaps even acting to bring such deaths about.  From first-hand experience, I know that mixing anti-government conspiracies with Adventist prophecy can be a dangerous and even lethal combination.

Extreme Adventism and Anti-Government Conspiracy Theories

I was a student in England at Newbold College in the mid-1980s, and there I developed friendships with a number of students studying religion.  At times we bemoaned what we considered the progressive and even liberal ways of some of our professors.  There seemed to us to be an avoidance and even a skepticism towards traditional Adventist teachings, such as the sanctuary message and our historic prophetic outlook.  A vacuum developed on these topics, that we filled with our own reading, research and discussions.

COVID-19 used with permission of

The year after I left Newbold, this vacuum came to be filled by less benign influences.  Some American visitors came to the neighborhood and began holding off-campus meetings, promoting anti-government, and eventually anti-church conspiracy theories that were constructed within an Adventist prophetic framework.  Some of my friends apparently found the prophetic focus they were looking for.

On a trip back to campus a year or so later, one of my friends urged me to join their movement that was led by a charismatic, smooth-talking leader, adept at mixing history, prophecy, and current events.  There was talk of traveling to Israel and being prepared to oppose corrupt earthly governments, and usher in the reign of the heavenly kingdom.  I pushed back, pointing out that this scenario was not consistent with important aspects of our prophetic outlook, and that opposition to earthly authorities was called for by the church only when they threatened our religious beliefs and worship.

My friend was not to be dissuaded, and I had the sense that he had bought into the fervid ambitions of this charismatic leader, whose vision of reality had overtaken my friends’ critical thinking skills so that he no longer could hear words of warning from within his own community.  He and several others followed their leader, not to Israel, but to their new “heavenly kingdom” of Waco, Texas.

Most of us know the tragic story of David Koresh and Waco, and the fiery deaths that occurred in the final government assault on their compound.  Perhaps they would argue that their suspicions of government abuse and corruption were right all along, but others of us would see the events there as a self-fulfilling prophecy.  They that take up the sword, especially against the state, may well die by the sword as the state responds to an internal threat.  The logic of the outcome does not, however, lessen the sorrow for the death of my friends, and of many others at the Davidian compound.

This experience compels me to speak up as I believe that I see history repeating itself, with new smooth-talkers, both within and outside Adventism, leading a campaign of anti-government, and anti-church, conspiracy rhetoric, wrapped in Adventist prophetic rhetoric.  These efforts have already contributed to a climate productive of deadly results.  Just in my own local Adventist community, there have been multiple deaths among vegetarian, health-message reforming Adventists who have not been vaccinated, a number of them members of the church community that has chosen to platform a message critical of the covid vaccines.

Some may balk at comparing the long-haired, fast-talking, rock-music playing Koresh with the genteel mannerisms, well-pressed suits, and medical and advanced degrees of some of today’s anti-covid vaxxers.  But charisma takes many forms, and anti-government conspiracy theories will have their baleful results, whether served up with the accompaniment of rock guitars or string quartets.  And the most important, and most tragic comparison, is undeniable:  the anti-covid vaccine movement has contributed to the needless deaths of more Adventists than David Koresh ever did.

Modern Anti-Government Prophets of Doom

It was thus with great chagrin and concern that I watched recent meetings of Christians, including some Adventists, who oppose both vaccine requirements, as well as the vaccines themselves.  Often these groups claim to be promoting health, conscience and religious freedom.  But it quickly became apparent that the religious liberty theme is a fig leaf to cover the hardcore anti-covid vax and government conspiracy message that lies at the heart of the movement.

Main speakers at the meetings promoted by these anti-vaccine groups repeatedly warn that the vaccine not only is not effective but that it is downright harmful, causing tens of thousands of deaths.  The claim is made that the government and media cover up these deaths, and also suppress the effectiveness of alternate, natural forms of prevention and treatment.  In making these claims, they often rely on the VAERS vaccine reporting system data in a way that is demonstrably misguided and highly misleading, resulting in false conclusions about the impact of vaccines.  In short, what they cite as causation, is merely correlation.

Adventist physician and creation advocate Dr. Sean Pitman has pointed out that whenever you vaccinate a hundred million+ people, a certain number of them would have died even if they had not been vaccinated from strokes, heart attacks, cancers, and so on.  The question is whether the death rate for the vaccine recipients is higher than the death rate for the background population—and the simple answer is, that it is not.  Dr. Pitman’s excellent analysis of the VAERS anti-vaccine fallacy here:, and other expert sources have made similar observations.

More recently, strong evidence has emerged that not only do vaccinated people NOT die more frequently than unvaccinated, but that in fact, the opposite is true: vaccinated people not only die less from Covid, but also from all other causes of death.  Thus, claims that the vaccinated are dying from various non-covid causes in higher numbers is simply not true.  Adventist physician and researcher Dr. Roger Seheult has examined the massive study demonstrating that here:

Studies continue to show that, even with the omicron variant, which even the vaccinated are susceptible to, cases of Covid that require hospitalization and lead to death, are somewhere from eight to twelve times more likely to occur among the unvaccinated than the vaccinated.  See here, here, and here

Now, the problem with my last paragraph is that for about a quarter of those reading this will say, “an article from the New York Times, from Time magazine, and from The Atlantic, I simply do not believe the data they cite.”  Well, what do you do when “liberal” media sources are actually supported by testimony from your Adventist Christian neighbor physician who runs a hospital system?  Consider this report from Dr. Loren Hamel, President of Spectrum Health Lakeland hospital system here in SW Michigan. As of early January 2022, he reported that: “86% of [Covid] admissions are friends and neighbors that have not been vaccinated. Right now, 100% of our ICU admissions at Lakeland are for individuals that are not vaccinated.” The vaccines, he says, “absolutely decreases your risk of hospitalization and dramatically decreases your risk for ICU admission, for ventilation, and for death, if you’ve been vaccinated.”

Why don’t some Adventists believe health care professionals associated with their own church, like Drs. Hamel, Seheult, and Pitman?  Some have suggested that church leadership is strongly influenced by government money going to Adventist Health Care systems.  This claim is simply untrue.  I was deeply involved in the PARL Department deliberations and discussions about our position on vaccines, and not once was this issue raised as a factor.  Never have I heard it discussed by the Church health care leaders I counseled with.  There is no actual evidence that concern for government funds was a factor at all in the Church’s approach to vaccines.  To claim otherwise, in the absence of evidence, is both gossip and slander, unbecoming of serious church leaders.

In my view, the real reason that some Adventists view the claims of Adventist experts and leaders with suspicion is the same reason that my friends at Newbold would not listen to the warnings and cautions of their Adventist friends and leaders—they had been influenced by unhealthy, sensational conspiracy theories about government and church leadership.  A recent well-publicized meeting that included prominent Adventist figures had a main speaker who ended his presentation by arguing that the reason efficacious treatments were suppressed, and dangerous vaccines promoted, was because of an alliance between big pharma, government leaders, including the CDC and the WHO, Bill Gates, the Ford Foundation, and many other organizations, including presumably church leaders who go along with the mandate.

The irony, of course, is that anti-vaccine leaders accuse the media of using fear of covid to manipulate the masses.  But they use the fear of almost everything else, all the institutions that help organize and protect our lives, including government, health care institutions, and church organizations and leaders, to convince its listeners that they alone can be trusted to provide guidance on important health questions.  Rather than escaping fear, if you buy their arguments, you will be plunged into a world of constant fear and distrust, one that is deeply at odds with Scriptural teaching about both the church and the state.  (Rom. 13:1-5; Tit. 3:1; Eph. 4:11-14; Eph. 5:21).

Yes, we are told that the state at times will exceed its God-appointed bounds, and must be resisted when it commands us to violate God’s commands.  But there is no biblical teaching against health and safety measures, and indeed the Bible supports public health measures, including mandatory quarantining, masking, and other measures to suppress infection.   (Lev. 13:1-4, 24-26, 45-46.)

Detecting Deadly Conspiracy Theories

How are we to detect and avoid misleading conspiracy theories, at a time when the very elect can be deceived?  The Bible provides a formula for avoiding teachings and theories which are derived “by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.”  (Eph. 4:14.)  And what is that formula? Paul describes it as an engagement with the church community, the body of Christ, which working together helps “equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.”  (Eph. 4:12-13.)

This equipping happens with the support and assistance of those designated to hold office and lead within that body, the “apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers.”  (Eph. 4:11.) The reason the very elect are not deceived is not that they are so smart; rather, they are wise enough to choose carefully the body of faith to which they belong.  Of course, one must find a community that is committed to the authority of Scripture and open to the leading of the Holy Spirit within the body of believers.  But at this point, does the anti-vax movement offer an alternate community of belief and fellowship to the Adventist church? Or is it, rather, offering membership in a shared sense of grievance, and even defiance, against leadership, both civil and spiritual?  How enduring, supportive, and stable are communities based almost entirely on opposition and defiance?

The anti-vax movement often proposes actions that fit the description provided by Ellen White, one of the founders of Adventism, of the posture we should not take in the face of government authority on a matter far more central to our prophetic outlook—that of Sunday laws, Ellen White said that we should not defy government mandates forbidding Sunday labor.  She noted that: “To defy the Sunday laws will but strengthen in their persecution the religious zealots who are seeking to enforce them. Give them no occasion to call you lawbreakers. . . .  Keep right on with your missionary work, with your Bibles in your hands, and the enemy will see that he has worsted his own cause. One does not receive the mark of the beast because he shows that he realizes the wisdom of keeping the peace by refraining from work that gives offense, doing at the same time a work of the highest importance.” (9T 232.3)

The recent OSHA mandate contained nothing that would have crossed anyone’s reasonable religious conscience.  It allowed for a testing/masking option for those that did not want the vaccine.  But cries of outrage, of discrimination, of even persecution, went up from many Adventists, and some urged us religious liberty leaders to oppose and even defy these rules.  It seems that we have still yet to learn the lessons Ellen White was urging in her own day.

One can paraphrase Ellen White, and say “one does not receive the mark of the beast (or preparation for it) because he realizes the wisdom of keeping the peace by testing and masking . . .”  Too many Adventists, even some leaders, have shown the need to better understand our own prophetic message, and to be more discerning regarding counterfeit and dangerous conspiracy theories about the government and church leadership.

Ellen White also warned of the dangers of appearing to oppose legitimate state authority.  She wrote that “some of our brethren . . . have spoken and written [things] that are interpreted as expressing antagonism to government and law. It is a mistake thus to lay ourselves open to misunderstanding. It is not wise to find fault continually with what is done by the rulers of government. It is not our work to attack individuals or institutions. We should exercise great care lest we be understood as putting ourselves in opposition to the civil authorities. . . .   We should weed out from our writings and utterances every expression that, taken by itself, could be so misrepresented as to make it appear antagonistic to law and order. Everything should be carefully considered, lest we place ourselves on record as encouraging disloyalty to our country and its laws.

“We are not required to defy authorities. There will come a time when, because of our advocacy of Bible truth, we shall be treated as traitors; but let not this time be hastened by unadvised movements that stir up animosity and strife.”  (6T 394.)

Church leaders who maintain silence and even tacit support for those that peddle in anti-government conspiracy theories have not grasped these admonitions, as well as the historical lessons provided by the disaster at Waco.  They do not realize the ongoing, baleful impact of anti-government conspiracy theories on the Adventist church and Christianity as a whole.  This ignorance will, sadly, be paid for in an increasing body count of sincere, but misguided, Adventist members.

Adventists will continue to be susceptible to movements that expose them to danger and even death, unless the church can come to terms with the weakness of some of its members, and even leaders, for dangerous, anti-government conspiracy theories.  We know that rulers are not to be obeyed who require the violation of the law of God.  But short of that, in words more Adventists worried about their conscience need to understand, we are told that: “For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God . . . .   Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience.”  Rom. 13:3-5.

Conscience is not just seen in opposition to authority, it can at times be seen in respect for authority; especially when that authority is seeking to protect the community and save lives, even if we do not always agree with the means used.  That is true conscience, and it is what will lead to true liberty and health.

Adventist Identity, Epistemology, and the Importance of the Community of Believers

The question of the true nature of Adventist identity will continue to be debated.  There are those that will insist that our primary concern is that of conscience and religious freedom.  Thus, all health mandates ought to be opposed and resisted.  This is perhaps ironic for a church whose early leaders involved themselves in the movement to pass mandates outlawing the use and sale of alcohol.  Others will argue that our true identity is in balancing the realms of conscience and health, recognizing that the health of others and the larger community is also a legitimate matter of conscience.

But perhaps the larger question is how we are to resolve these conflicts of identity?  What authority are we to turn to?  The Bible, of course, both sides will say, and then they will interpret it differently.  Or Ellen White, some Adventists will say, and then interpret her differently.  It perhaps does not seem very Protestant to say, the community of believers; but that is because we have embraced an individualism that has more to do with modern, secular conceptions of the autonomous self, then it does with Martin Luther’s priesthood of all believers.

We take his important construct of the social, believing community interacting and submitting to each other, and replace it with something more akin to a gathering of Popes, capital P, where each of us becomes an authority in his or her own right, not just on matters of theology and doctrine, but the limits and shape of conscience and religious freedom, and the truths of science in the middle of a pandemic.  Everyone becomes his her own papal expert, and reliance on appropriate leaders, whether civil or ecclesiastical, is viewed as weakness and naivety, notwithstanding the Bible’s admonition that we are to respect and submit to the powers that be, both within the church, as well as the state.

It perhaps takes us back to the notion of college that underlies the community of the university.  Here we are at a University lectureship, hoping that we can achieve some kind of unified knowledge in the midst of complexity and diversity.  But this is only possible insofar as we take advantage of the college, the collegium, the gathering of thoughtful inquirers, where ideas are exchanged, expertise is recognized and appreciated, and where we submit to one another, as the Spirit works through the system of oversight and consultation we have as a church.

Many of us are surprised and disappointed at the disunity in the church on some of today’s important questions of health and conscience.  But perhaps we should be even more surprised, and appreciative, of the basic unity that we find in many of these questions among the health, religious liberty, biblical, and administrative leaders of our church.  There is a strong consensus approaching unanimity, at the higher levels in our church on questions of the pandemic and the safety, usefulness and importance of the vaccines.  The center is holding.

But the experience is revealing a deep divide in the pews, and a widespread misunderstanding, as to how knowledge is reliably obtained, evaluated and applied in our lives and in our community.  We need to revisit important ideas that give balance to our Protestant, Adventist individualism; ideas like the Priesthood of All Believers, the role of the college and collegiality in arriving at truth, and the importance of engaging the body of Christ and its leaders in assessing truth claims, spiritual, historic, and scientific.

It is not that we turn over our consciences to others and the community; but we recognize that the truths upon which conscience operates cannot be fully investigated by any single person.  Rather, the shared expertise found in the body of Christ serves as a guide to knowing certain truths that we cannot fully know on our own.  Perhaps this community is less vital where doctrinal, biblical teachings are at stake; which we can study and know for ourselves.   But even here, as we move beyond core biblical teachings into more secondary matters, the community becomes increasingly important.  A good example of these are questions of ecclesiastical order, such as church structure and organization.  Questions of science, health, and history, which are not directly revealed in the Bible, are more complex to assess, and we need the assistance that our dedicated and expert brothers and sisters can provide.

The crisis of Adventist identity is perhaps to realize that it involves more than merely the identity of Adventist individuals; rather, that there is a larger identity, a body of Adventism, in which we participate.  The body of Christ is more than the sum of its individual parts, and the parts of this body mysteriously work together to form a community that is more profound, more wise, than the sum of its individual parts.  May we, as Ephesians 4:15 says, “speak the truth in love, and grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is Christ.”

That is my prayer for us all.


Dr. Nicholas P. Miller is an attorney and Professor of Church History and Director of the International Religious Liberty Institute at Andrews University

15 thoughts on “The Pandemic, Vaccination, and the Crisis of Adventist Identity”

  1. I have only read part of your article because I have been following this, been am an Infectious Disease epidemiologist in Vaccine Preventable Diseases since 1988, and have given >225,000-250,000 vaccines. But this shot is not a vaccine, nor is it safe.

    I could give you many people Doctors, Scientist and Attorneys that are working tirelessly on this – to show the last day diabolical plot that has been perpatrated and so many of my SDA church family have been lead to the slaughter house by a Jesuit Virologist that is making incredible profits.

    Last week Reiner Füellmich gave opening arguments to the Grand Jury in the Court of Public Opinion against 19 people which will lead to The Hague and Nuremberg Charges.

    Too many US Adventist think that they have some kind of special exemption just like in days if old. But Israel was enslaved by Egypt, Jerusalem was enslaved by Babylon, Jerusalem Was later taken over by Rome, Christians were persecuted by Many other Rulers such as Nero & the Pope. Adventist Know this… yet they have thought themselves better… then taking the warnings EGW has given…

    We just do not know how things are going to play out.

    I am not a right wing anti vaxxer. And of the 17,000 doctors and scientists 1/2 are democrats and 1/2 are republicans. We are just people.

    I will tell you this. The data out of VAERS (US), Israel, UK, Spain, Australia, South Africa, Venezuela and Brazil… all say the same thing.

    This is not a vaccine, its dangerous and it is a bioweapon.

    Over the Olympic Games, the CCP has released hemorrhagic viruses. (Several) the cases are starting show up. There are several so symptoms will be mixed. Morbidity & mortality is going to be mixed too.

    They have several more to be released we dont know what, but God’s Immune-system does not need to be an amalgamation of a Jesuait Genetic Vaccine.

    1. I’m sorry, but those who claim that the mRNA vaccines “aren’t vaccines” simply don’t understand how these mRNA vaccines work within the human body. The fact of the matter is that they do function exactly like any other standard vaccine functions. They produce protein-based antigens that are presented to the cells of the human immune system to educate them to recognize and attack these very same antigens in the future. That, in a nutshell, is how all true vaccines work.

      The claim that these mRNA vaccines are sinister “bioweapons”, deliberately designed, by the Jesuits no less, to harm humanity, is also absolute nonsense. The mRNA technology has been around now and successfully used for over 30 years. This isn’t some new “bioweapon” that has recently been unleashed to harm humanity.

      Sure, as with all vaccines and all medications of any time, there are risks. However, the risks associated with the mRNA vaccines are minimal compared to the risks associated with getting infected by COVID-19. Those who cite the VAERS database to claim otherwise simply do not understand the purpose of the VAERS database (maintained by the CDC and the FDA by the way). They just don’t understand the difference between correlation and causation – the difference between the expected background rate of adverse events as compared to an unexpected increase in adverse events following vaccination.

      Sure, the human immune system, designed by God Himself, is a wonderful example of brilliant engineering. However, after thousands of years of sin and decay, it isn’t what it was originally designed to be. It now needs a helping hand on occasion – which is the reason why vaccines have proven themselves to be such a blessing to humanity over the last hundred years or so. The modern mRNA vaccines are no less of a blessing, having saved millions of lives worldwide already…

  2. Gerhard van Niekerk

    Thank you so much for a well ballanced non paranoïdal non conspiracy assuring article.

    12 Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.
    Isaiah 8:12

    As a 71 year old sda I had the privilege of hrowing up in a well ballancef sda home with no fearmongering about conspiracies and having our full trust and confidence in the salvation and daily protection of our Lord Jesus Christ alone. We had all the God given vaccines from childhood till even the latest God given mrna vaccines without any adverse effects. We are grateful unto God for the kowledge he gave to good scientists and people like dr Fauci and others like Bill Gates and governmends endowed with enough funds to fund these great projects to create vaccines. God may use any vessel and instrument He deems good.

    1. Hi Gerhard

      “Well balanced” se voet! This is the conventional, mainstream media narrative that is regurgitated by those with vested interests in keeping their jobs, status and revenue streams.

      If one digs just a little outside of the mainstream media channels and sources, there are mountains of evidence, proving that this is a very sinister plan, steered by very greedy, corrupt individuals.

      By the way when next you are sick… will you go to a greedy computer programmer? Because this is what Bill gates is! He is not a scientist!

      A for Fauci, he has a history of corruption and deception. Couple this with greed and power and you have a recipe for absolute disaster. This is what we now have with all the fallout related to the covid plandemic, official treatment protocols, impact on mental health and the devastation of economies, communities, families and individuals!

      If truth be told, this will go down as one of the largest frauds every perpetrated on the worlds population.

      Sorry to be in disagreement to your trust and faith in these despotic individuals and corrupt governments.

      You are right however to place your trust in God, but remember; “by their fruits you will know them”.

  3. According to you Miller he associates alternative treatment perspectives and information with, “Certain elements of right-wing Adventism” – so critical thinkers and people who disagree with the official narrative are “right wing”. This is a typical response of a pseudo academic. Typical response from those who have no real factual basis for the answers so many of us cry out for. Our fundamental disagreement and sketisim comes from the lack of open debate and the silencing and crushing of alternative perspectives. ‘Real science’ that they are so eager to bandy about in idiom, actually invites inquiry, but suddenly not when it comes to the covert covid plandemic.

    “850,000 deaths”. This is a fudging of the real statistics. However exaggerated, these are people who died with covid and not from covid. I know of someone who died from cancer, but on the death certificate is said covid, (no mention here of the hospital payouts for the covid related death and treatments) how many more fall into this category? No mention he makes of the stalling rise in mental health related cases that have risen exponentially.

    “The loss of a few hundred jobs of vaccine resistant Adventists”. At this point I am almost tempted to say, under what rock have you crawled out from? We are not only worried about “Adventists” only. Miller’s. myopia leaves me staggering for words. We are concerned about the economic devastation, mental anguish, broken and segregated families together with the staggering loss of life around the world. Not to speak of the vax injuries that largely remain under reported. In business school we learned that for every 1point unemployment goes up – no less than 37000 die as a result. Miller and those who have his bent ignore these facts. Ironically these are the very same people who ignore the fact that the USA have killed 6 million babies that is 60 000 000+. His words and concern are misplaced, hollow and empty.

    “Vaccines are safe and useful” – what garbage. When coupled with corporate greed and the lack of accountability, responsibility for injury and oversight, I is absolutely absurd to think that all vaccines should be considered safe and effective. Is he so walled up in his academic ivory tower that he ignores the studies coming out of the united Kingdom and Israel, proving that after the shot people more likely to get covid?

    Oh yes, you “agree with the supreme court”. The judicial system in the USA has been so tarnished that very little coming out of it can be trusted. Our prime allegiance is to God and not man!

    The Adventist statement he was party to, states that the church’s religious liberty leaders will provide support and counsel on a PERSONAL, NOT A CHURCH BASIS. This is tantamount to speaking from both sides of the mouth. It is clear that they do not believe that this in actuality, as they are not prepared to put it on official church stationary, or make an official public church statement of support. Liberty of conscience should be regarded as one of the Seventh Day Adventist most sacred foundational beliefs. The religious liberty department he is associated with should be gutted as it fraternizes and associates with beastly powers – they are doing nothing for the cause of SDA and Protestant religious liberty, let alone standing for Liberty of Conscience.

    Miller also states that; “the majority of health experts in the state and the church agree that the opposition to covid vaccines is not based on good scientific evidence, but on misinformation mixed with various unreliable conspiracy theories, at times framed in an Adventist prophetic outlook”. History has proven over and over again, that the majority of “experts” are most often wrong. If I had to rely on the majority of “experts”, I would be worshiping on Sunday and worshiping the god of evolution! The “experts” you sight, are still gainfully employed, are taking tainted money and guarding their status. They have a lot to loose and so they placate those who lord over them… in this compromised position they have had to loose their backbone and now their self-respect and integrity. There is enough international evidence to counter the ‘official stance’. For many of us this support for the ‘official narrative and treatment protocols’ comes down to the nurturing revenue streams and of compromising and suppressing truth. If all was fair and true with the ‘official narrative’ why all the ‘canceling and silencing of alternative perspectives’? Miller’s amnesia regarding the majority is remarkable considering the recent history related to Hitler, Stalin, Castro, the communist Mandela and majority that allowed the crucifixion of Jesus.

    The way Miller throws about the term ‘conspiracy’ is illustrative of a lack or understanding and current international socio-political events and dare I say prophecy!

    Miller conflates two very different scenarios by bringing up Waco and I think it quite shameful that he would liken those of us who think differently on the Covid related matters to Waco. But seeing as he has raised it may it say… Waco is a shocking and tragic blight on American history, that the military was brought in (contrary to the ‘possee comitatus’ act) to kill unarmed woman and children with the most awful torturous method by using nerve gas and incendiary devices is diabolical, tragic and shameful for the so called civilized world. It is events like this that sow seeds of understandable distrust. I, like Miller also happen to know some survivors of Waco (now living in Australia), and while they may have been a little “off the beam” on some matters, there are other perspectives and truths to the story that will forever be buried and withheld by those with vested interests. If Miller places his trust in man-made governments and powers he should be a politician, but there are many of us who give the final authority and allegiance to God, His laws and His heavenly government.

    In closing, may I add that I am not surprised Miller finds himself at a university whose campus pastor together with staff and students participate in demonstrations and protests for and with black lives matters, but remains silent on; Freedom of conscience and the murder of +60 million unborn children.

    Quite frankly this mindset nauseates me!

    I use strong and passionate words because, many are suffering and dying while the MAJORITY have lost their moral compass in favor of ‘wokeness’, political correctness and protestant biblical values

    1. Clearly, you haven’t been in the UCU of a large medical center during this pandemic that is filled with people who are very sick and dying of COVID-19 – almost all of whom are not vaccinated. Those who see this with their own eyes, as I have, know the life-saving value of the mRNA vaccines – that they are a gift from God. Those who claim otherwise, like you, do so out of ignorance and without any relevant personal experience working with those who are sick and dying. You just have no idea…

      1. I fully agree. You could’t state it clearer.
        Short and sweet.
        Your experiece is also our experience. We lost many friends from covid who were not vaccinated.
        So sad and they were influenced by nonvax proppaganda.

        1. Yeah, I just wish that those who are so opposed to the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 would have had the opportunity to go and visit an ICU in a large medical center that was swamped with those who were very ill and dying of COVID-19 – and explain why almost all of these were unvaccinated? If the vaccines are more dangerous than the disease, then where are the hospitals that are being overrun by those who are dying from the vaccines? Truly, the risks of vaccines are minimal compared to the risks and damage caused by COVID-19 infections.

          The fact is that once the mRNA vaccines became generally available this pandemic turned into a pandemic of the unvaccinated – at the cost of a great many lives unnecessarily lost and many many more permanently injured.

          1. I saw that it was a sacred duty to attend to our health, and arouse others to their duty…. we
            have a duty to speak, to come out against intemperance of every kind,–intemperance in
            working, in eating, in drinking and in drugging–and then point them to God’s great
            medicine….. {3SM 280.2}

  4. As always Sean, your comments are thoughtful, patient and balanced. The fact that you take the time to educate people in so many different threads dealing with these questions is very admirable! I’m afraid many have gone too far down certain rabbit holes to be persuaded at this point, but I hope some will still listen to reason. Thank you for the work you do and your courage to speak and educate!

  5. Also to Nicholas Miller, this is probably the most comprehensive assessment I have seen yet of what has been taking place in Adventism regarding Covid vaccines and the movements that have arisen as a result. Some of us see a danger in what is happening. Perhaps it will fade as the virus fades, but if the issue persists I think it will become a continue to be a big distraction from what we should be doing as a church and people.

    1. Reasons the HS is not given to His people is they failed to accept the health message the right arm of the gospel. GC 1901 Allopathic reasoning of men doesn’t consult or follow the Holy Spirit as part of the healing and God does not bless it because it is not God given. That is because it is against the very thing we are to speak out against- ‘drugging’. Our institutions were to be an example of reform from drugging and the statements are plain enough. It is not of His signature. So of all the people on the face of the earth, we as a people should have been foremost to understand where this virus came from- the connection to Vatican and UN and their connections to big pharma, understand that modern recognises mRNA vaccines as a drug, be intelligent enough understand the stated side effects given by FDA/CDC (death, neurological, vascular), be intelligent to the issues of liberty and how that differs from Vatican II religious liberty, know what a virus is and how it operates- but as an organization, we are being led as if clueless!
      The health message as God laid is out, not man’s ways, is the only gospel going into the future so the members should get to understand the basics of germ theory so they can get on with the work.
      The church has been dictatorial – a kingly power more often following governmental lines and this is against council GC1901 and so the HS is not given with power.
      The church has not shown brotherly love and that is the health message for everyone to take up-not the MD which is honoring men and indoctrinated in the means and methods of men so the HS is not given in power. GC1901

  6. Dale Fuhrmeister

    You seem to think that the vaccines will prevent the spread when the CDC has said that this was never the intention or the design of the vaccine. And also, have you noticed that as of the end of last year, about 21,382 people have died from the vaccine? Is it so wrong for someone who is as informed as I to not want to play Russian Roulette with my health?

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