Sarah Palin’s Interview on Faith (CBN)
Sarah Palin discusses her faith in an interview with the 700 Club.
Sarah Palin’s Interview on Faith (CBN) Read More »
Sarah Palin discusses her faith in an interview with the 700 Club.
Sarah Palin’s Interview on Faith (CBN) Read More »
Discusses support of a California Ballot Proposition.
ReligiousLiberty.TV Endorses California Proposition . . . Read More »
The woman, a British citizen, worked with handicapped Afghans and was killed in the western part of Kabul as she was walking to work around 8 a.m., the police said. Najib Samsoor, a district police chief, originally said the woman was from South Africa, but the British government later said she was British.
Taliban say they killed aid worker for spreading Christianity (AP/Reuters) Read More »
Faith-based groups or individuals are playing a crucial role on
both sides of the battle to make Washington the second state, after
Oregon, to allow physicians to legally prescribe deadly medication —
hardly surprising, since the issue deals with literal matters of life
and death.
Dr. Catherine Kim of Simi Valley, Calif. can’t do it. Her practice as an obstetrician-gynecologist is based on medical science. But her convictions as a born-again Christian sculpt every aspect of her life, from the Bible stories she reads to her kids before bedtime to the prayers she offers people who visit her office.
Disputes over religion and health care land in Calif. courts ( Read More »
Religious freedom experts criticized this week a United Nations anti-blasphemy resolution for most likely hindering Christian evangelism and spreading Sharia law.
Freedom Experts Criticize UN Anti-Blasphemy Resolution ( Read More »
As the unflappable Warren Buffett puts it, the credit freeze is “sucking blood” out of the economy. “In my adult lifetime, I don’t think I’ve ever seen people as fearful,” he said.
The report cited a survey of 600 Southern white evangelicals and said that 57 percent hold the belief that torture can sometimes or often be used to extract information from suspected terrorists, as opposed to 48 percent of the general population. The survey also pointed out that they are guided by their own life experience and common sense rather than the Bible when thinking about the acceptability of torture.
Southern Evangelicals More Likely to Support Torture Read More »
Greeley, Colorado – Last month, more than 100 Somalis were fired for walking off the job after the company refused to let them take breaks to pray at sunset during the Muslim holiday month of Ramadan. They are in the process of filing a class-action lawsuit against the company.
Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders in India have reported at least 27 Adventists dead from anti-Christian brutality that developed in the eastern India region of Orissa in late August. Church leaders said there are still violent outbreaks in the area despite India’s Central Reserve Police forces patrolling the state.
INDIA – 27 Seventh-day Adventists Die in Religious Violence Read More »