
Ocean Grove’s Beach Battle: A Church’s Tradition vs. Beach Access Law

In Ocean Grove, New Jersey, a century-old tradition faces modern legal challenges. The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a Methodist group, founded a Christian seaside retreat in 1869. The Association owns all the land in the town, including the beach, which it has historically closed on Sunday mornings for worship services.

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Alabama Supreme Court Upholds Methodist Church’s Property Rights Amid Disaffiliation Dispute

The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Alabama-West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, dismissing a lawsuit by 44 Methodist churches seeking to disaffiliate over doctrinal disputes about human sexuality while retaining their properties. The court’s decision, based on the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, underscores the limitations of civil courts in resolving ecclesiastical issues, leaving the churches to navigate the UMC’s internal processes for resolution.

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