Current Events

China Responds: “China reject’s Bush’s ‘religious freedom’ remarks” and asks him to stop “interfering” in internal affairs (Xinhuanet)

BEIJING, July 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao on Wednesday rejected U.S. President George W. Bush’s remarks concerning religion freedom in China, urging the United States to view China’s religious condition with a just and objective attitude. […]

China Responds: “China reject’s Bush’s ‘religious freedom’ remarks” and asks him to stop “interfering” in internal affairs (Xinhuanet) Read More »

NEWS / ANALYSIS: Obama to expand Bush’s faith based charities and support their right to hire/fire based on faith (AP)

Jennifer Loven of the Chicago AP bureau reports today that Barack Obama is announcing plans to expand the amount of federal social service funding that will be going to religious organizations that provide services to their local communities. CHICAGO (AP)

NEWS / ANALYSIS: Obama to expand Bush’s faith based charities and support their right to hire/fire based on faith (AP) Read More »

Take Money, Lose Faith – Seven Catholic Schools turned into public schools in Washington DC (Maryland Daily Record)

Charles C. Haynes points out the trap that religious schools can fall into if they decide to take government money.  For those of you who study the tight bonds between money and religious freedom, this story is a must-read. –

Take Money, Lose Faith – Seven Catholic Schools turned into public schools in Washington DC (Maryland Daily Record) Read More »

Dobson says Obama has “fruitcake interpretation” of the Constitution and is distorting Bible; still won’t vote for McCain

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – In a soon-to-be-aired episode of his non-profit, tax-exempt radio program “Focus on the Family,” Dr. James Dobson accuses Barack Obama of pandering to the “lowest common demoninator of morality” with his “fruitcake interpretation” of the U.S.

Dobson says Obama has “fruitcake interpretation” of the Constitution and is distorting Bible; still won’t vote for McCain Read More »

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