
Living in a World with Increasing Violent Insanity

During my junior and senior years in college, I worked the night shift at a large Massachusetts state mental institution to pay my college expenses. I was officially in charge of the violent ward from 11 pm to 7 am and the only one on duty. It was a very choice job because it permitted me to study all night while being able to get adequate sleep following my daytime classes.

Living in a World with Increasing Violent Insanity Read More »

EU not a greater guarantor of religious liberty than UK

There will be risks to our human rights and religious liberty protections if citizens of the United Kingdom choose to leave the European Union. However, I do think as well that there will also be risks on our human rights and religious liberty protections if voters choose to remain in the EU, and we need to keep a balanced view on the Brexit/Remain debate over human rights and religious liberty.

EU not a greater guarantor of religious liberty than UK Read More »

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