Legal Issues

Weaponized Intercession: The Dangers of Using Prayer to Win at Politics

All this fight over prayer should give Christians pause for thought. Have we misused prayer in our zeal to bring America back to God? Whether intended or not, many have viewed the forceful efforts of Christians to preserve public prayer as motivated by the desire to exploit it for purposes of proselytizing, promoting Christianity, or disparaging other religions.

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Trump administration forms office to protect doctors’ religious beliefs

The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) has announced the creation of a Conscience and Religious Freedom Division in their Office for Civil Rights. The division aims to address concerns over sensitive subjects such as birth control, abortions, and treatment of the LGBTQ community. In addition to providing a center for complaints regarding religious discrimination, the division is pushing for the approval of a motion that seeks to protect medical personnel who refuse to perform treatments that violate their personal beliefs. The move has caused concern from human rights groups, who believe this office could be used to discriminate.

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Dangerous Money: Gov’t money to churches has strings attached

Would you choose to mount a sixteen-foot maraschino cherry on the roof of your church?  You probably wouldn’t, but would you consider doing so if it were part of a deal where your church would receive a large donation?  This situation may seem ridiculous, but many times government money offered to religious institutions has very troubling “strings” attached. 

Dangerous Money: Gov’t money to churches has strings attached Read More »

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