Vatican Radio – Full Text: Note on financial reform from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
The full text of the document released earlier today.
The full text of the document released earlier today.
Excerpt: “Presidential candidates feel no shame in asserting divine purpose in U.S. policies and actions. In this ubiquitous view of American exceptionalism, the nation is not bound by rules to which others must submit.”,0,3240927.story
America the chosen nation – LA Opinion Read More »
By Martin Surridge – Like many of the other countries profiled in this blog, Germany has had a problematic, yet fundamentally important religious history. Home to both the Holocaust and the Protestant Reformation, Germany provided Europe with the impetus to
EXCERPT: [T]his year the GOP presidential primary has also been infused, most prominently by Texas Governor Rick Perry, with examples of sectarian religiosity that trades in the more provincial coin of white evangelical Christianity. While the advantages of speaking in
EXCERPT: “Jew or not Jew?”: That is just part of the question. An iPhone app bearing this name has been yanked from Apple’s App Store in France amid threats of a lawsuit and demands for its removal. The app, still
Apple Bids Adieu to ‘Jew or not Jew?’ iPhone App in France (CNN) Read More »
By Martin Surridge – For much of the twentieth century, Poland served as a sort of punching bag for many of Europe’s strongest armies. Half a million Polish soldiers died in the First World War, the country was brutalized by the Nazis in the Second
EXCERPT: Christian and Islamic views of warfare are closer than we have been led to believe. When it comes to questions of war and peace, is American Christianity more like Muhammad or Jesus? Since 9/11, such a question has seemed
Is Christian “Just War” Just Like Jihad? (Patheos) Read More »
EXCERPT: The Texas governor, now a Republican presidential candidate, held a prayer rally for tens of thousands, read from the Bible, invoked Christ and broadcast the whole event on the Web. There was no symbolic nod to other American faiths.
Theology a Hot Issue in 2012 GOP Campaign (AP) Read More »
EXCERPT: One of the distinctive features of American democracy is the permeability of our political institutions. It’s an incredibly wide-open system, given First Amendment freedoms, the flood of money that corrupts the electoral process, and a wide array of media
Fear, Incorporated: Who’s Paying for all that Islamophobic Paranoia (FP) Read More »
Shortly before I left the work at the GC office I had an opportunity to sit down with Karel and ask him what he would say to the person who would replace him.
Karel Nowak: A Legacy of Religious Liberty (Spectrum Magazine) Read More »