McCain to make religious freedom a key foreign policy issue (AFP)

Religion continues to be a hot issue in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.  Thanks for this link goes to Greg Hamilton at the Northwest Religious Liberty Association.

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by Carlos Hamann Wed May 7, 3:52 PM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain vowed in a speech on Wednesday to make freedom of religion a key foreign policy issue if he is elected to the White House in November.

“There is no right more fundamental to a free society than the free practice of religion,” he said at Oakland University in the state of Michigan.

“Behind walls of prisons and persecuted before our very eyes in places like China, Iran, Burma, Sudan, North Korea and Saudi Arabia are tens of thousands of people whose only crime is to worship God in their own way.”

He added: “Whether in bilateral negotiations, or in various multinational organizations to which America belongs, I will make respect for the basic principle of religious freedom a priority in international relations.”

According to McCain, no society “that denies religious freedom can ever rightly claim to be good in some other way. And no person can ever be true to any faith that believes in the dignity of all human life if they do not act out of concern for those whose dignity is assailed because of their faith.”

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