Seven Years Later and Counting – A 9/11 Scrapbook



Seven years have passed since the planes hit the World Trade Center. Here is an unvarnished scrapbook of events that took place on that day and how these events led to a war in the Middle East and what happened there.

The Attack – After the first plane hit one of the towers, this cameraman set up his home video camera on a balcony 1 block from the world trade centers and left the room to let it record unknowing a 2nd plane would hit and he would catch it on tape.

A few religious leaders reacted to 9/11 in unusual ways. Included towards the end is a section where Bush takes a passage from the Gospel of John and revises it, so that the light of Christ becomes the light of America. Here are excerpts of comments by Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, and others.

That evening, the singer Sting held a concert in Tuscany, Italy. Here he is singing “Fragile”.

A YouTuber made this video clip with pictures of some of the people who died on September 11, 2001. The song is “I Can Only Imagine” by Mercy Me.

9/11 Tribute – “How to Save a Life” by The Fray


The U.S. then went to war – “Daddy Where You Going?” Performed by Brian Wardwell. Written by Tommy Joe Myers and Jim Flynn.


“Half My Heart Back in Tennessee” A soldier sings to his family from Camp Victory in Iraq – Country Music Video by Army Captain Chris Atkins, a Combat Stress Mental Health officer, filmed at Camp Victory, Iraq on November 10, 2007 in front of Saddam’s Old Palace and current HQ of FORSCOM and General Petreus. Chris lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee with his wife of 9 years, Miranda, and daughters Hannah, 8 and Grace, 5. They just found out they will have a third child due 5 days before Chris returns stateside in late May. This song is a love song from a soldier in Love during a time of war.


There were protests – Let it Be

There were more protests  – Eminem “Mosh” 

Congress was concerned – Senator Joe Biden on the War in 2007

Beginning Monday 9-01-08 until 11-05-08, the documentary film No End In Sight will be released in it’s entirety on YouTube by Director and Producer Charles Ferguson.

2 thoughts on “Seven Years Later and Counting – A 9/11 Scrapbook”

  1. Thank you for this beautiful scrapbook. The attack on America was terrible, and according to Jerry Falwell it was inevitable. However, his reasons for its inevitability were superstitious, ignorant and opportunistic. I am always shocked when people listen to that rhetoric and fall for it. People can be so bright and yet so gullible. It makes me so sad to realize that all of the wisdom of a generation dies with it and every generation after has to repeat the same mistakes over and over. War is never the answer. How much simpler it would have been if the Bush family, being such good friends with the Bin Laden family, had enlisted their aid in bringing in Osama Bin Laden. Going to war with Iraq never made sense in capturing Bin Laden, and the President finally admitted it had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. The cost of this travesty is estimated in the Trillions. I heard the President say yesterday that the surge was working. Nevertheless, it’s really not the troop presence that’s causing the decrease in violence, it’s the fact that we’re paying the Sunnis $800,000 per day not to attack us. That’s like paying the mob protection money. Image! America paying not to be attacked.

    But the most remarkable and sad thing is to be reminded that Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson called the attacked a judgment from God. You know, from the beginning of time humans have sacrificed to God. There have been harvest sacrifices, animal sacrifices and human sacrifices. God has been vengeful and terrifying and all through history the priests, witchdoctors, shamans, etc., have gained and used their power to enslave the minds of men. Someone wrote on a blog yesterday (in response to an article in Truthout) that God was a Republican and that it was his will that his followers killed abortionists. He went on to say that in America everyone was going to be a Christian and if you didn’t believe this, “you better watch out.” It was a prime example of the ravings of a Christofascist. Humans don’t have to be afraid of God’s vengeance, we have to be afraid of other humans who think they’re being used by God, whether they are an Islamic terrorist or a Christian terrorist.

    God only has one nature, and that is love. God IS love. Not part-time love, not love when He’s supporting a Republican, not love when his followers are killing, bombing and making war in his name, but IS love. Humans were made in God’s image. Imagine how much closer we would be to God if we started reflecting His image.

  2. Thank you for this beautiful scrapbook. The attack on America was terrible, and according to Jerry Falwell it was inevitable. However, his reasons for its inevitability were superstitious, ignorant and opportunistic. I am always shocked when people listen to that rhetoric and fall for it. People can be so bright and yet so gullible. It makes me so sad to realize that all of the wisdom of a generation dies with it and every generation after has to repeat the same mistakes over and over. War is never the answer. How much simpler it would have been if the Bush family, being such good friends with the Bin Laden family, had enlisted their aid in bringing in Osama Bin Laden. Going to war with Iraq never made sense in capturing Bin Laden, and the President finally admitted it had nothing to do with weapons of mass destruction. The cost of this travesty is estimated in the Trillions. I heard the President say yesterday that the surge was working. Nevertheless, it’s really not the troop presence that’s causing the decrease in violence, it’s the fact that we’re paying the Sunnis $800,000 per day not to attack us. That’s like paying the mob protection money. Image! America paying not to be attacked.

    But the most remarkable and sad thing is to be reminded that Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson called the attacked a judgment from God. You know, from the beginning of time humans have sacrificed to God. There have been harvest sacrifices, animal sacrifices and human sacrifices. God has been vengeful and terrifying and all through history the priests, witchdoctors, shamans, etc., have gained and used their power to enslave the minds of men. Someone wrote on a blog yesterday (in response to an article in Truthout) that God was a Republican and that it was his will that his followers killed abortionists. He went on to say that in America everyone was going to be a Christian and if you didn’t believe this, “you better watch out.” It was a prime example of the ravings of a Christofascist. Humans don’t have to be afraid of God’s vengeance, we have to be afraid of other humans who think they’re being used by God, whether they are an Islamic terrorist or a Christian terrorist.

    God only has one nature, and that is love. God IS love. Not part-time love, not love when He’s supporting a Republican, not love when his followers are killing, bombing and making war in his name, but IS love. Humans were made in God’s image. Imagine how much closer we would be to God if we started reflecting His image.

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