
Live Hope

Our journey started for us a long way from home, in a city we’d never heard of, with a precious little boy looking for his parents. Today our lives are filled with his love and joy and his excitement for life.

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Supreme Court considers standing and medical necessity of admitting privileges in Louisiana abortion case

esterday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments (link to transcript) in the Louisiana abortion case, Russo v. June Medical Services. This case is a challenge to a new Louisiana state law that requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting

Supreme Court considers standing and medical necessity of admitting privileges in Louisiana abortion case Read More »

"death with dignity"

Why California’s New “Death with Dignity” Law Will Make Suicide Common and Expected

On October 5, 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that will permit terminally ill patients to obtain medications that will enable them to end their own lives. The legislation had been opposed by disability rights groups that were concerned that people would choose to end their lives because of financial worries or depression.

Why California’s New “Death with Dignity” Law Will Make Suicide Common and Expected Read More »

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