
Opinion: Playing Political Football with the President’s Faith

By Jason Hines – Attacks on the President’s faith are an attempt to redefine the constitutional role of religion in American life. Both Senator Santorum and Pastor Graham have established a de facto religious test for the office of President. Why does it matter to Pastor Graham whether President Obama is a Christian? Why does it matter to Senator Santorum that Obama has a phony, unchristian theology? These things matter because to them a person should not be president unless they are Christian. And that Christianity cannot just be any Christianity, but a form of Christianity that is aligned with what they think is correct.

Opinion: Playing Political Football with the President’s Faith Read More »

Historical Profile: John Wycliffe – Morning Star of the Reformation (Excerpt from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs)

One of my favorite reformers has to be John Wycliffe, who translated the language of the Latin Vulgate into language that everybody could understand.  This weekend, as part of our weekend inspirational series, we are pleased to present this excerpt

Historical Profile: John Wycliffe – Morning Star of the Reformation (Excerpt from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs) Read More »

McCain to make religious freedom a key foreign policy issue (AFP)

Religion continues to be a hot issue in the 2008 Presidential Campaign.  Thanks for this link goes to Greg Hamilton at the Northwest Religious Liberty Association. Read more at;_ylt=AhjJFbLNU1DYDT4tT6gbFpGtOrgF by Carlos Hamann Wed May 7, 3:52 PM ET WASHINGTON

McCain to make religious freedom a key foreign policy issue (AFP) Read More »

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