
Live Hope

Our journey started for us a long way from home, in a city we’d never heard of, with a precious little boy looking for his parents. Today our lives are filled with his love and joy and his excitement for life.

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Religious Liberty in China: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

By Doug Bandow – Today China’s big cities look much like urban areas anywhere in the world. There are lots of cars. What I didn’t expect was to see a Christian “fish” on an auto.

Religion is “on the rise,” one U.S. diplomat told me.

It also is under attack by the Chinese government. As I wrote in the American Spectator online: “When it comes to religious liberty in the People’s Republic of China, there’s the (surprisingly frequent) good, (not so constant) bad, and (still too often) ugly.”

Religious Liberty in China: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Read More »

Article18: Norway — Personal Reflections on the Origin of a Tragedy

The fact of the matter is that the demon of terrorism is one that will practice whatever religion it must to satisfy its craving for violence. Terrorism knows no religion that it can’t corrupt. Violence can find a home in any religion, any belief system, be it Muslim, Christian, or Sikh and it is not partial to any one in particular, despite the ramblings in the media.

Article18: Norway — Personal Reflections on the Origin of a Tragedy Read More »

Gendercide: China’s shameful massacre of unborn girls means there will soon be 30m more men than women (Daily Mail)

EXCERPT: By the year 2020, there will be 30 million more men than women of marriageable age in this giant empire, so large and so different (its current population is 1,336,410,000) that it often feels more like a separate planet

Gendercide: China’s shameful massacre of unborn girls means there will soon be 30m more men than women (Daily Mail) Read More »

Sec. Clinton condemns “Religious Defamation” laws and addresses international issues in annual Religious Freedom Report

On October 25, 2009, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented the annual International Religious Freedom Report, on behalf of the U.S. State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. In the first IRFR from the Obama administration, Clinton

Sec. Clinton condemns “Religious Defamation” laws and addresses international issues in annual Religious Freedom Report Read More »

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