Same-Sex Marriage

Interview with Attorney and Pastor Mitch Tyner

“In my view, if we are not prepared to protect the rights of those with whom we disagree, we are not serious about religious freedom.”

Former associate general counsel of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Mitch Tyner, asks questions about the legal process, lawsuits between believers, separation of church and state, and addresses the controversy about gay marriage.

Interview with Attorney and Pastor Mitch Tyner Read More »

Marriage Amendment: In California, your state constitutional rights are in the hands of your neighbors

There has been much discussion about the California ballot initiative that would ban same-sex marriages from a moral / social / religious perspective, but not much about the concept of overturning court decisions by majority vote.  Vikram David Amar at

Marriage Amendment: In California, your state constitutional rights are in the hands of your neighbors Read More »

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